Search results

  1. S

    Halloween walk?

    Does anyone know of any Halloween activities in the Pine Barrens such as a Jersey Devil walk in the woods? This sounds like it would be fun to do.:jd:
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    Unusual picture request

    Hi everyone. I have a unusual picture request. If anyone would mind posting some nightime scenes from the pine barrens that I can use. The reason for my request is that I need a nice scene to add to a tattoo I have of a pine barrens treefrog sitting on a branch. Maybe something at around sunset...
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    Memorial in N.J. for Rob Boyle..

    For all of those who knew him and can attend. There will be a memorial for Rob Boyle at Snuffy's Restaurant on Saturday, May 31st. I will be posting the time and address when the details are final. Please attend if you can. I posted this here because he was a herper and feel it would be read...
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    Magellan Explorist 300..........

    Does anyone have any experience with the Magellan Explorist 300? It's only $200 or less and the electronics salesman recommend it. Thoughts? Thanks.
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    Spotted turtle information request.

    My son is choosing to do a report complete with pictures on spotted turtle populations in or around the ocean county area. And what it is found cohabitating with. They are not nearly as common there as they are up in the northwestern part of the state. Many were seen there when he did his last...
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    Snakes moving?

    Anyone notice any snakes on the move yet? If so what have you seen. Thanks.