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  1. J

    Google Nik is now free

    For anyone who may not be aware Google has made the Nik Collection free as of March 24, 2016. You can check out the link below.
  2. J

    Pete McClain

    I found this article about the late Pete McClain and thought I'd share it. We are deeply indebted to Pete for his great work, in particular, his work to restore the Osprey population after their decline from DDT. I had the opportunity to meet Pete once and found him to be an extremely nice and...
  3. J

    Illegal Dumping in State Parks

    An article from regarding illegal dumping in state parks. They are using motion sensor cameras to catch the culprits. Tim
  4. J

    South Jersey's cranberry industry
  5. J

    Kayakers beware ...

    For any of you who might kayak in the ocean.
  6. J

    Graduated Neutral Density Filters

    I am looking to buy Graduated Neutral Density Filters for my outdoor photography and would like to know if anyone here can give me some advice on what brands they would recommend and any other things I might need to take into consideration prior to purhasing them. Thanks, Tim
  7. J

    Cabin at Colliers Mill

    A couple of weeks back I went to an estate sale that advertised fishing tackle and the ad stated that it was a cabin on a lake in New Eygpt. It turns out that that cabin was situated at Colliers Mill. I spoke with the woman who was running the sale and she told me that the woman whom owned the...
  8. J

    Not Pine Barrens ....

    I just spent some time in the Delaware Water gap the last two weeks taking some pictures. The foilage is as nice as I've ever seen. I saw plenty of deer, turkey and two bears, one of which I got some photos of. I'm not sure if anyone from this board spends time up there but the National Park...
  9. J

    Sweetwater Church

    Sorry for the double post.
  10. J

    Sweetwater Church

    I collect old fishing photographs but will sometimes buy others that just appeal to me. I found this 1907 picture postcard on ebay but it went for more than I was willing to pay for. The caption read "Sweetwater Church built 1808 Plesant Mills, NJ" . It was postmarked Sept. 16, 1907 at...