Search results

  1. uh60chick

    Pair of Timber Rattlers

    I was out and about with a few colleagues on Friday, 8/14/09, and spotted this pair just in the treeline. We sat and watched them from a pickup for quite a while, and even pulled up to within a few feet of them. They didn't pay us any attention at all. Each rattler looked to be about 8 years...
  2. uh60chick

    One Space, Many Places

    I've been digging through some of my family's books, and found a hard copy of One Space, Many Places: Folklife and Land Use in New Jersey's Pinelands National Reserve. It was published by the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress in 1986. I've barely started it, but I thought it...
  3. uh60chick

    Emil Brown

    Another Piney gone...
  4. uh60chick

    Old Articles

    I inherited a bag of Pine Barrens-related newspaper clippings that my grandmother started and my aunt continued. I'm going to try to scan one a day, but bear with me, please, I may not always be able to manage it. :rolleyes: