Search results

  1. J

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    Yesterday afternoon, everything seemed super wet from Carranza Rd to down near (39.728261, -74.614815) Hawkins Lowland RD, on the Tuckerton RD. Not horrible, as I did hike it, but there were 3 large puddles, and I finally got to one that prevented me from proceeding any further, the 2 prior...
  2. J

    Penske gets stuck at Batona Camp

    Seems very strange the state did not improve the road to that area. I drove down to High Crossing from Carranza Road yesterday and found that the road had been improved/ graveled from the asphalt all the way to the old crossing, and beyond in many spots. You would think similar would have been...
  3. J

    Prescribed Burning Today - Wharton, other sites

    In a video last night I learned that in NY state prescribed fire is illegal, though they are considering making it legal, and in Pennsylvania it only recently became legal. No wonder why NJ is so backward and acts like they're in 1960.
  4. J

    Bobwhite quail

    Well, no way to know at this point, but if habitat isn't there, they won't be. If they were in a tiny area to begin with, that makes it harder for them and easier for the predators. I doubt PICC will tell me anything. I emailed the Audubon Society, and they told me they don't do that anymore...
  5. J

    Prescribed Burning Today - Wharton, other sites

    At least in 2006 those 2 bases had separate natural resource departments. Not sure if they still do. Either way, if Dix is doing summer burns, that is new.
  6. J

    Prescribed Burning Today - Wharton, other sites

    Sam in the Apple Pie tower told me that the boys over on the Ft Dix -McGuire have been doing summer burns, in addition to the their regular unscheduled wildfires out on the ranges. Interesting. Anyone know or ever get around the public areas of the base to see parts that are getting burned in...
  7. J

    Penske gets stuck at Batona Camp

    What do you know, George Costanza was Penske material, after all.
  8. J

    Bobwhite quail

    I drove all the way to RT 72 from 563 looking for suitable habitat yesterday. I never saw anything along the road which is not very thick and overgrown. Lots of heavy oak shrub, and typical heath shrubs. Basically, the classic appearance of the pinelands which has resulted in Quail going...
  9. J

    Cape May County Explorations

    Much Loblolly Pine in Cape May County, or just the Jersey typical pitch and shortleaf?
  10. J

    Are you onboard for this?

    I'm sure it will be as up to date, accurate, and useful as google maps, which has never, ever sent people down eroded, washed out and long impassible roads.
  11. J

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    I prefer the drier weather to the swampy weather. Not a lot of wind with these temps and it's super humid, but at least not rainy.
  12. J

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    If no wind, looks like the crotch split. Ideally crotches are more than 30 degrees. Less than that and the crotch can easily split.
  13. J

    Bobwhite quail

    Yeah, cedar swamps aren't suitable habitat. Just mentioned it as it looks like something is going on in the imagery. Was your original dot the location you heard the birds? I can easily drive out to Penn SF when I have the time, and continue out to that area you marked. Haines must own a...
  14. J

    Bobwhite quail

    Okay, so basically I am not in the right area at all. That point is pretty far out on the road to Warren Grove. I don't know 100% as I am remembering back 24 years, but in 2000 I road my bike to the end of the open portion on that road. I think. Is that road open from 563 to 72? I think...
  15. J

    Bobwhite quail BTW, anyone interested in shortleaf pine and it's place in NJ, might like to spend some hours watching videos on that channel.
  16. J

    Bobwhite quail

    I have the red marker over the club. No idea about the property boundaries, but some of the land must be Pine Islands. If the county has the records online, it wouldn't take too much time. My interest was only in finding some quail as I wanted to hear them and hopefully see that they were...
  17. J

    Bobwhite quail

    After doing laps on Apple Pie Hill yesterday, I drove down to Speedwell and then returned to the north getting just north of Eagle on the northern edge of the Pine Island forest. I did not get to Eagle and turned around at a hunting lodge. It does appear to be more open around Eagle in...
  18. J

    Tabernacle Mayor

    Proof that if you ignore a problem long enough, it takes care of itself.
  19. J

    Tabernacle Mayor

    I think it was New Hampshire or some such place where an open Satanist won an uncontested election for town mayor. People don't seem to value local politics enough, partly due to their lack of power. Maybe they intended to vote for the satanist, then? A desperate bid to increase the towns power? ;)