10 Books $50. All in good to very good shape.
The Jersey Midlands(1962)
Tales of NJ(NJ Bell Telephone Company) small book
The Indians of New Jersey(1966)
Mantua Bicentennial(1976)
The Jersey Devil(1976)
More Forgotten Towns of Southern NJ(1963)
Along The Old York Road(1965)
The Old Farm(1961)
Family Empire in Jersey Iron(1964)
Of Batsto and Bog Iron(1964)small book - this small book is selling on Ebay for $50. Not that they would get that much. But . . .
The Jersey Midlands(1962)
Tales of NJ(NJ Bell Telephone Company) small book
The Indians of New Jersey(1966)
Mantua Bicentennial(1976)
The Jersey Devil(1976)
More Forgotten Towns of Southern NJ(1963)
Along The Old York Road(1965)
The Old Farm(1961)
Family Empire in Jersey Iron(1964)
Of Batsto and Bog Iron(1964)small book - this small book is selling on Ebay for $50. Not that they would get that much. But . . .