2012 Pinelands Short Course

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
This is a well planned and well organized event, and I look forward to attending it every spring. The classes are always interesting and informative, and the instructors are very knowledgeable and present their material in a format that is relaxed, enjoyable and easy to understand. Well worth $35.

PS. This is a genuine, unsolicited testimonial. I am in no way associated with the Pinelands Short Course. :D


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
Little more info I found
The P.I.N.E.S. program operates in cooperation with Brendan T. Byrne State Forest to provide educational programs featuring the natural and cultural history of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Programs include school field trips, in-school presentations, adult group presentations, teacher workshops, and special events.



May 27, 2010
Wall, NJ
Anyone else attend ? I was there today , enjoyed it :) !! If you did go hope you enjoyed as well !


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Jessica and I attended the morning classes. I have to say that the first 30 minutes was quite frustrating because of some deceptive signs they had set up. Never having been there before we followed the crowd to the main area and met up with oji for a short conversation. Then following the arrow on a sign we head down the hallway looking for the room as obviously some others did also. Well, after roaming around forever we realized there was no such room and we returned to ask for directions. We were told where to go and after trying those directions realized we were back in the same place as before. All the while the extra time we allowed was dwindling. Finally, I asked at the security desk and was told by the guard there I was not the only one having problems because of the poor directions that were being given out. He was as frustrated as I was it appeared. It turns out we were not even in the correct building.

I then realized I had lost Jessica which frustrated me even more. Now I know why I prefer to spend my time in the pines and away from people. It is harder for me to get lost out there. Anyway, we finally hooked up and made it to the class just a few minutes before it started. We enjoyed all three classes (Rattlesnakes, Charcoaling taught by our very own "Lost Town Hunter," and Elisa Wright, Wharton's Surveyer.)

It was nice as always to see "Turtle" again and I am so sorry I didn't notice that "Spung-Man" had a class also. I found that out after arriving. He told me he has one on Tuesday of this week so if anyone is interested you may want to check into that.



Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Guy, You would have been better off if they gave you GPS coordinates for the classrooms! It's always nice seeing members of this site and beside the ones you mentioned I also talked with GermanG before he had to take people out canoeing.


Feb 4, 2009
a village...in the pines
Yes, good to share time with any/all of the folks here. I also saw Guy & Jess, Raven, ChiliHead, SpungMan, Tom and LTH. All my class choices were well worth the day. Aside from Rattlesnakes and Elias Wright with Guy & Jess, I took Forest Modeling, Grass Roots, and Earth,Wind & Ice featuring SpungMan ! Glad that there were so many new courses this year. Picked up a book and some notecards.... good day.


Dec 22, 2011
I attended, my first time there. Loved it! I'm looking forward to going again next year. I attended the Black Bear talk, Turtles, Wilderness Survival, Earth Wind and Ice, and New Jersey's Biodiversity. I really enjoyed seeing you again Turtle and meeting Spung Man and Rayven. I feel fortunate to be among the good folks on this forum!

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
This was my 4th year attending the Short Course. Like others here, I was pretty frustrated the first year I attended because I didn't know where I was going after I registered. They did have a guy in the Parker Building asking everybody who entered if they needed directions to their classes, but they should probably post somebody by the registration table so they can point people to the right building. It gets easier the second year. :D

The only thing I couldn't find this year was the coffee machine. It was gone...and I was working on three hours sleep!
I attened for my fourth time also. No problem finding the classes, 4 of thr 5 were in Parker, 2 in the same room, 147. My chief complaint was that the classes that are exepcted to fill up fast sre held in small rooms. Spung mans class was full and was held in a little room while the class on the Still family which was very interesting was held in a room with like 150 seats and didnt come close to being full.

I enjoyed all the classes I took, Frogs and Toads, Dinosaurs, Still Family, Earth Fire and Ice and Biodiversity. Also got some beautiful cards from Ann Marie.

It was nice to meet Turtle & NJ Chili Head. I actually met Woodjin tonite at an Audobon meeting. He did a nice presentation of wildlife images.

Hopefully I will me more of you's soon.
