2024-25 Hunting and Trapping Seasons


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I saw that Guy mentioned he saw some people getting ready to hang a stand yesterday and I thought everyone would like to know the hunting seasons. Archery opened in many zones last week on September 14, so some of you may have seen bow hunters already. Archery will be fully open Statewide on September 28, 2024. Sunday hunting is permitted on private property and WMA's, but not in State Forests.

Essentially, there will be a legal reason to be in the woods with a firearm (except Sundays) starting on September 28, 2024 with the opening of small game and ending on March 15, 2025 with the of predator season. After a short lull, Spring Turkey Youth on April 19, 2025.

Trapping runs seven days per week from November 15 to March 15 of the following year, now matter how those dates fall. I am hoping to successfully pull a beaver permit again this year in more than one zone. I can, and do, legally carry a .22 rifle when checking my line.


Here are links to Archery and Firearm Deer, predator and small game and the trapping seasons.

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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Essentially, there will be a legal reason to be in the woods with a firearm

Probably a dumb question, but something I've been wondering about. Is it ever OK to bring a weapon into a WMA for target practice (aside from an actual firing range)? I assume that it's not. I sometimes hear people shooting at my place which borders on a WMA. To be fair, it's a patchwork of WMA and private lands here and the shooters could be a mile away, so they may be on private property.

On a related note, the other day I was out in the woods and there was a storm off in the distance. I thought I heard crackling thunder but it was an odd sound. The more I listened, it sounded like a whole army shooting automatic weapons. Now, this was way off in the distance. There's an Atlantic County Firearms Training Facility over on the other side of the river, which is over 5 miles from me "as the crow flies". Could I be hearing it at that distance? Have wondered about this several times before. Is there there some sort of training there involving lots of people shooting automatic weapons?


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Probably a dumb question, but something I've been wondering about. Is it ever OK to bring a weapon into a WMA for target practice (aside from an actual firing range)? I assume that it's not. I sometimes hear people shooting at my place which borders on a WMA. To be fair, it's a patchwork of WMA and private lands here and the shooters could be a mile away, so they may be on private property.

On a related note, the other day I was out in the woods and there was a storm off in the distance. I thought I heard crackling thunder but it was an odd sound. The more I listened, it sounded like a whole army shooting automatic weapons. Now, this was way off in the distance. There's an Atlantic County Firearms Training Facility over on the other side of the river, which is over 5 miles from me "as the crow flies". Could I be hearing it at that distance? Have wondered about this several times before. Is there there some sort of training there involving lots of people shooting automatic weapons?
WMA Ranges allow guests to shoot on the range with a person who holds a valid hunting license. I must say that WMA ranges are getting better and thay have expanded the caliber limitations. You can now shoot up to .30 cal. centerfire which includes the 30-06.

Depending on the wind direction and moisture content in the air, rifle shots can be heard for quite a distance. Full auto would either be a registered range or police range or just some outlaws having fun. We allowed the FBI to use our Club ranges years ago for their annual qualifications and they would let our members try out their full auto stuff. We ended that when we finally realized all that fun was costing us a lot in range maintenance.
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Full auto would either be a registered range or police range or just some outlaws having fun.

Right - which is why I asked about the Atlantic County Firearms Training Facility (link above). I know nothing about it but drove past years ago and assumed it was used by law enforcement. That was the only place I could think of where a bunch of people might do that much shooting, and the sound was coming from that direction (more or less) but obviously quite distant.


Jul 29, 2015
South Jersey
The police will occasionally fire full auto at the Atlantic County Range. Depending on wind direction, the sound can travel quite far. The Police Range is open to the public on weekends and holidays, but a safety course is required.
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Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Thanks, that must have been it then. If I could hear it from more than 5 miles away it must have been really loud for people who live around there!