A few thoughts on the weather


Jan 11, 2006
You really have to wonder where December is. It was briefly cold on Friday and Saturday, but now things are back above normal again.
This is certainly affecting the whole nation, as there really aint much cold air at all, and as we go into mid-December, with highs in the mid 50s each day (10 degrees above normal) one really has to wonder when winter will get here at all.
Back in the 80s when I was a kid, you'd see the last insects out by mid October and they would be away till May.
By now temps would be in the 30s and 40s, if there were 50s it would be a brief spell. This season, it has been in the 50s most of the time. It is a huge temperature anomoly. And because of this, the bugs have never gone away. Would you believe I picked up a tick last week in Robert Cushman preserve in Ridge? Usually they're gone by now. Fortunately I saw it on my pants and removed it.
Winter is usually my time of the year for the woods. If it doesn't get cold and STAY COLD, ticks and pine flies will bug me throughout the winter.
And last winter (if you can call it a winter) I had to deal with pine flies in January. Nuts!
Long Island used to have a climate more akin to New England, but recently, it seems we are much more like the mid-Atlantic. I do believe global warming has alot to do with it. The weather patterns, esp the jet stream, have been quite abnormal. There is a Pacific jet stream, racing from west to east across the northern tier of the nation. This is keeping the cold air in Canada for the most part. Even up in Chicago it is in the 50s. 15-20 degrees above normal! And it will stay that way indefinately, there's no let up in sight.
I'm sick of turning on the TV and hearing them say how wonderful this is. It's like they are in dreamland or something. If you like warm weather, fine, enjoy the summer or move south. I think it's being kept out of the headlines in the interests of big oil, which wants to make sure nothing can discourage you from keep burning those fossil fuels, and driving those big chunks of metal.
It doesn't feel like Christmastime when it is warm like this. People need to wake up and see what is going on! Warming like this will have devastating impacts on the environment, even in the Pine Barrens. With insects being out year round, expect trees to suffer more infestations. A mild winter last year was part of the reason why many of the oak trees in the pine barrens were defoliated. In parts of Flanders, it was so bad with all the trees bare except for the pines, because the gypsy moth caterpillars were able to reproduce more, because of the mild winter.
Tropical species will move north. Stuff like fire ants, scorpions, black widow spiders, will invade. God knows what that will do to native pine barrens species. The warmth will act as a catalyst to ruin our waterways even faster and aid oxygen starvation. Fish used to cold water temps will die off. .
People really need to think about this, instead of joking about it.
But if this is the future, I will have to move north. I like cold crisp air, no bugs in winter, amd being able to hike in the winter without worrying about ticks. Maybe Maine is in my future. Today it was sunny with a high around 28F up there, with snow on the ground.
Only you can help reverse this. Don't use more energy than you need. That means compact flourescents, which are almost as cheap as light bulbs now, but last 10 times longer and use 1/4 of the energy. That means getting rid of that big slab of metal you drive, and getting a fuel efficient car or wagon. Large SUV's, like the Chevy Tahoe and it's bretheren get less than half the gas milage of a regular car, and put out 5 times as much carbon dioxide, because of old heavy truck engine design and heavy truck frames. Unless you have a business or go off road, you dont need a truck. 95% of folks who buy these things dont go near the woods. And folks in the Rockies, even with all the snow they get, drive 4WD cars. Better gas milage and they get through the snow just fine. Even if you go off road, anything more than a jeep is overkill. Besides, stuff like the Tahoe is so heavy it will get stuck alot.
People need to lower their carbon footprints. Remember, you get what you give. That's all I can say. I'd like to see this pattern reverse and LI's climate return to it's normal, temperate self, but whether it's in our hands or not, I certainly believe it's a lot better we don't risk our future. But in the end, it's up to the majority. And so far, they don't hear the message nature is sending them. :siren:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
They are all against us. Ever notice lately that everyone is in your pocket, and its hard to fight it? My former spouse left the house in February, and both kids are away at college. I paid more for this Novembers electric bill then I did last year when all four of us were in the house. And they tell me I used the same energy in both months. Bull, they each had their own tv and computer, and no one is home at night except little old me. Know what they said? Well, you shoud unplug thier TV's cause they use electric without being on. Maybe so, but it should be a hell of a lot less than on.


Jun 3, 2004
Atlantic County
he's right... global warming is VERY real. i don't know if anybody has seen al gore's showing on mtv or vh1 i think it was, but he's been all over the world with scientist studying this global warming. ie: 35% of greenland has melted since 2002.

and one more thing.... we do have black widows in the pines, i found 3 this year.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I'm not too sure where the black widow comment came in but, yeah, I will second that they are in the pines. Also, it does amaze me how many people drive huge SUV's that never go off the pavement....ever! Medford is full of hummers. I never see a hummer in the woods.



Aug 12, 2005
camden county
I def believe the whole global warming thing after seeing that al gore thing on mtv. I have to say I remember far more snow when I was a little kid(80's) and remember it being much colder, and my parents say the same thing when they were kids. However before last winter the previous 3-4 winters were the coldest I remembered. I'm a big time skier and ski conditions and snowmaking conditions were phenomenal in 2001,2002,2003. Now i thought i heard before that if the ice caps melt it will drop the oceans temp, subsequently causing an ice age. It is scary though when you think how quickly those caps are melting in the last 25-50 years. When considering how old earth is that is a scary thought that this much change is occuring in a infentesimal amount of time. Unfortunately not too many people care about what kind of world their kids will live in and there kids, etc. etc. As long as my house is bigger than my neighbors, and my car is more expensive everything is peachy clean. That is really how my generation thinks(20-30 year old) and with all the bs on tv the next generation is only going to be worse.....man I sound like and old man now...damn.


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
I just moved to Massachusetts and I bought new boots, new jacket and new gloves to get ready for the winter. Well, it has been pretty nice up here. I do believe the winters are warmer then they used to be. When I was a kid in the 80's it seemed like it was always cold in the winter and it snowed 3 to 4 times. Not anymore. Funny thing is some of the biggest snow storms have happened in the past 10 years, "Blizzard of 96" and I think the other big one was in 2003. I have not seen the Al Gore movie and probably won't, I can make my own opinions on what's going on. After all I'm not sure if I can take someone serious if they claimed to have invented the internet (j/k, haha). I know cars are part of the problem and let me stress the word part. Politicians and whoever else attack cars because it is easy to. Very few people go after all the coal burning plants down south which are really polluting the air. How about airplanes, ever wonder how much fuel a passenger jet consumes? What about the pollution caused by them? Just some ideas to ponder. My personal opinion: The earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling. We may be in a warming trend and mankind is quickening the pace.


Jan 11, 2006
My ears are ringing from nature's messsage

Something is really screwy with the global climate....
Fake snow in Alps, Moscow blooms: green Christmas?
Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:01 AM IST

By Laura MacInnis

GENEVA (Reuters) - Alpine ski resorts are churning out artificial snow, daisies are flowering by the Kremlin in Moscow and retailers are fretting that Europeans are simply too warm to go Christmas shopping with a record mild winter.

Butterflies have been seen in Denmark, some Nordic golf courses -- usually frozen for the winter -- have reopened and many farmers worry that crops are sprouting far too early and could be killed by frost.

One historian says that Europe has just had its warmest autumn in 500 years. Experts say the mildness might be just a natural freak but many suspect it may be linked to greenhouse gases caused by human burning of fossil fuels.

Whatever the reasons, a recent dusting of snow has been welcome at Alpine resorts, now gradually opening after long delays.

"Everybody is happy that it has snowed. The whole atmosphere is more relaxed, it feels less stressed although the conditions are not totally perfect yet," said Joerg Romang, head of communications for the Swiss resort of Crans-Montana.

"A lot of fake snow is being produced right now," said a spokeswoman for Austria's cable car association. Temperatures may rise again but the snow is easing fears that Christmas skiers may have to spend a snowless holiday hiking or at a spa.

In Russia, record December temperatures have kept bears from hibernating and flowers such as daisies and purple violets have been seen in and around the capital. Usually gripped by ice, Moscow basked at a record 7.7 Celsius (45.86F) on Dec. 7.

"Muscovites are smiling: they don't have to wear hats and the grass is green," wrote popular daily Moskovsky Komsomolets, adding that Siberia would become the world's granary if temperatures stayed warm.


Retailers worry that shoppers are not cold enough even to start dreaming of a white Christmas.

"Christmas business lacks impetus as there is no Christmas spirit in warmer weather," said Hubertus Pellengahr, a spokesman for the German retail trade association HDE. "Retail sales are far more weather related than one might assume."

But Berlin's construction industry is keeping going at a time of year when a winter chill usually forces a slowdown.

"The order books are full and thanks to the good weather the contracts can be fulfilled," said Lutz Uecker, chief economist of the German building industry federation ZDB.

In the Netherlands, the Dutch meteorological institute KNMI said 2006 was likely to be the warmest year in three centuries, and linked the record with global warming that many scientists fear will bring more floods, droughts and higher seas.

"If you look at trends, then you can say that this (the 2006 record) is a signal of global warming," said Rob van Dorland of the KNMI atmospheric research department.

Farmers are worried that plants, confused by the spring-like temperatures, could suffer if harsh frost strikes. German asthma sufferers are complaining of pollen and Sweden has suffered rare December floods.

If crops such as rapeseed and autumn grains grow too much in the warmth "that could mean problems in snowless dry frost beyond minus 10 centigrade," said Andras Uhercsak, head advisor at the Hungarian farmers' group MOSZ.

In Finland, the Hartola golf club closed as usual because of snow at the start of November but reopened after a rare thaw.

A report in science journal Nature this month said 2006 had the warmest autumn since around the time Columbus sailed the Atlantic, about 2C (3.6F) warmer than the long-term average.

The autumn beat the record-warm autumns of 1772, 1938 and 2000, according to Elena Xoplaki of the University of Berne.

(Additional reporting by Olesya Dmitracova in Moscow, Rene Wagner and Ulf Laessing in Berlin, Anna Mudeva in Amsterdam, Sakari Suoninen in Helsinki, Andras in Budapest, Karin Strohecker in Vienna, Niklas Pollard in Stockholm, Gelu Suluguic in Copenhagen)


Mar 12, 2004
if i may . . .

look first off i would like to say that i am (in many ways) an environmentalist. i hate most SUV's and the wasteful american lifestyle in general. that having been said . . .

I really really wish everyone would get off the global warming kick. Every time we have a semi-warm winter everyone starts prattling on about the greenhouse effect and how it was never this warm when they were kids. Please stop. Global warming is measured in the average global temperature measured over a year's time - not how much snow falls in nj. As is we can't even begin to understand the earth's climate - but since we have weather.com, humans think they know whats going on. How long ago did we start recording reliable meteorological data? 50 years ago? 100 since we even started recording temperatures? Does anyone really think that the long-term weather patterns of a 6 1/2 billion year old planet can be determined by a 50 year sampling? Weather patterns are measured in centuries or millenia - not in decades. It could be 70 degrees in the northeast every winter for 20 years and still not indicate any real climatic change. Its really just a weather pattern and if you honestly don't believe that, you'd be building an ark in your front yard every time it rained for more than 2 days in a row.

And everyone remembers how much it used to snow when they were kids and every generation says it. Its nonsense. I remember it too - according to my brain it snowed WAY more when i was a child. The one thing - I WAS A CHILD. We pick and choose our childhood memories . . why would you remember the crappy winter when there were no snow days and you went to school and had no fun? Do you remember the boring summer days as a kid? Vivid memories of how it was cloudy and cool and you spent all day cleaning your room and playing parcheesi with grandma?? No f-ing way. No pre-pubescent is lucid enough for their recollection as an adult to have any reliable significance.

Don't get me wrong - I think the accelerated warming of the planet's atmosphere is very real and it will have its effects. My car gets like 35mpg highway and all the lightbulbs in my house are energy-saving flouros. I think we should melt down every hummer and H2 and all those other silly things and make a bunch of windmills.

But next year when it (invariably) hits 55 degrees at some point in the winter, I'm not gonna stock up on scorpion repellent. Its just the weather.

look first off i would like to say that i am (in many ways) an environmentalist. i hate most SUV's and the wasteful american lifestyle in general. that having been said . . .

I really really wish everyone would get off the global warming kick. Every time we have a semi-warm winter everyone starts prattling on about the greenhouse effect and how it was never this warm when they were kids.


Oh I think you're wrong Bob. Why when I was three the snow was always up near my waist. When I was six it was always up near my knees. When I was twelve it was up to my shins and since I turned eighteen it rarely gets much more than ankle deep. We are definitely getting less heavy snow falls. :D



Jul 19, 2006
Life is unpredictable...just keep moving and dont put the weight of the world on your shoulders.......


Sep 14, 2003
just remember you would have to get rid of lightning to get rid of ozone. or so i was told.


Dec 11, 2005
R-U-Colder Now??

Al Gore is a total hypocrite--his "carbon footprint" is the size of Rhode Island--he flies in a private jet all over the world, gets whisked away in a huge SUV to all of his 4 homes that are 8000 sq. feet each, and then preaches to us little guys about conserving and moving away from fossil fuels. What an ASS. I remember in the 70's when we were told the globe was getting colder and they were considering spreading black sheets of plastic all over Antartica to warm things up. There is a warming trend, but consider this, the largest and most extensive green-house gas is...WATER VAPOR. And please, MTV is a source of valid scientific research and information??? Please, please, please---let's be intellectually honest and pursue this incredibly important information through more credible means. NEVER TRUST THE MEDIA is my mantra. Anything you read from them will be parsed and biased to coincide with their goal: Hyperbole and SELL-SELL-SELL!!!


New Member
Jan 5, 2007
New guy reporting aboard sir! I am a baby boomer early retiree who is into exploring, jeeping/off roading, mountain biking, sailing, power boating, kayaking, canoe, snow shoeing, railfanning, etc. I have been lurking on this site for the past few weeks and just had to pipe in with respect to this post on the weather.

The "Al Gore total hypocrite carbon footprint smear" was first reported by Matt Drudge and a number of other conservative media outlets and has subsequently been retracted and in one case (I forget which outlet) the reporter apologized. Here's a link on the attempted smears....


If you are interested do a search on Hoover Institution and see who they are and who funds them.

Just a couple of days ago it was reported by the Associated Press and other media that ExxonMobil had been funding various groups to pass disinformation to discredit reports on Global Warning like was done by the tobacco industry a few of years ago...


"WASHINGTON — ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups from 1998-2005 in an effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind global warming, the Union of Concerned Scientists asserted Wednesday.
The report by the advocacy group mirrors similar claims by Britain's leading scientific academy. Last September, The Royal Society wrote the oil company asking it to halt support for groups that "misrepresented the science of climate change."

The EPA on their own website discusses Gloabl Warming with respect to climate change and pretty much echoes what Al Gore had to say in the book and the movie "An Inconvient Truth". Here's their link if anyone would like to check....


It's for kids, so it is pretty easy to follow.

Many of my conservative friends and neighbors who are quick to condem Al Gore and his work have not seen the movie or read the book, nor are they able to do anything but quote what they have read from the ExxonMobil funded groups. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie, it is available now on DVD in any video store.

The weather forecast for Morristown, NJ for Saturday, January 6, 2007 is 67 degrees. Flowers are starting to poke up in my back yard and insects are still buzzing around like I have never seen before this time of year. I was out hiking last weekend and picked up a couple of dear ticks that are ususally not a factor this time of year. Earth worms and still coming up in my garden - ditto - I have never seen earth worms around in January.

The good news is that I'll be able to dig my own bait, launch my boat and go fishing on a nearby lake tomorrow. Last year the earliest I could get out was the 3rd week of January. The year before that the earliest was in March sometime and before that was April.

The bad news is that my grand daughter who will enter this world over the next couple of days (we hope) probably is going to come into a world where the temperatures and environment are not nearly so comfortable and amicable as they are today when she reaches my age. If we don't pay attention to Globabl Warming now our children and grand children are going to pay the price for our thoughtlessness and us being mislead by special and political interests.


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
I agree there probably is a general warming of the earth. But this year is simply an anonamly which I'm not sure if there is an explanation for, whether it is global warming i'm not sure. However, while these temperatures are warm they are not setting record highs for this time of year. There have been warmer days in january i believe the record high is in the mid 70's and occurred in the fifties. I believe people are more aware of warm temperatures now because of global warming, greenhouse effect being thrown out there in the media. For instance if someone did not hear of global warming would he/she find it so alarming it was near 70 today and tomorrow. No they probably would just consider it an outlier in a pattern of weather temps. Now if it suddenly became in the 60's and 70's for weeks on end I would become alarmed. I don't think it is too unusual for a temperature spike like this in january. Just three years ago the day I was leaving to go to killington, vt to ski it was in the sixties(in january) I remember this because the bullfrog in my pond was out basking, which I found suprising. Two days later in vermont I never expierienced such cold temps my face had partial frostbite on it after two runs down the mountain. Also if you look at weather charts I bet you you will see that it was brutally cold the few previous winters before last. I remember this because my pond froze all the way to the bottom killing a few fish.....and skiing conditions were epic. Today I was out in the woods and saw box turtles out, and my frogs in my pond are out as I write this...def odd but a sign of global warming who knows. But one good thing that may come out of that al gore thing is that a future generation will be more aware of what they are doing to their world. Maybe instead of buying a hummer they will buy a hybrid..I doubt it, but hopefully. Btw, welcome to the forum and congrats on a future grandchild.