After a month of poking around in the top half of the state, I got back down into the Pine Barrens last Saturday. We were hiking in Wharton State Forest along the Mullica and Batsto rivers; I was hoping to catch some
Platanthera in bloom. We found a few
Platanthera cristata, but they were past their prime, so I won't post their embarrassing pictures here. Fortunately, its white cousin was still going strong.
Northern white fringed orchis (
Platanthera blephariglottis)
We saw several dozen of those plants. And for every one of those, there were probably ten of these:
Little club-spur orchis (
Gymnadeniopsis clavellata var.
I even found a single
Pogonia ophioglossoides that was blooming. In August! And there were critters, and fantastic landscapes, too.
Beaver Pond
And the best part was that it only got up into the low 80s, and I didn't have a single bug try and bite me. Saturday was fantastic.