A traffic 'whoa' in Shamong


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
I noticed those signs last week and was wondering if the town put them up or the people who own the horses. I used to live in Shamong (anyone who grew up there will say Indian Mills, a newbie says Shamong) and I never saw signs like that before. One of the reasons why traffic has increased is because a lot more people (like the one who is complaining) has moved out there. I have a lot more to say on this but will shut up for now. lol.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Right at the intersection of Atsion and Jackson/Oak Shade road there is a geodetic marker that about 3 years ago Jessica and I were looking for. We were walking back and forth down the road at the intersection and a woman from one of the homes on that corner drove out of her driveway and pulled up to us. She asked what we were doing and told us we were bothering her horses. I was in the road so I decided to ignore her. She left in a huff and drove back in the driveway. I guess she felt unsafe or was too lazy to walk over to me. Better yet, she should have minded her own business. The fence there is 20 feet off the road and I had a right to be there in the middle of the day.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well I'm a former resident of Atsion Road in Medford, and not a new house but one that was built back in the woods around 1970. I don't know about the other issues in that article, but I certainly agree that people drive WAY too fast on Atsion Road. I used to feel like I was risking my life when slowed down to turn into my driveway with people tailgating me. The traffic keeps getting worse around there... another reason to be glad that I left :)


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
I don't know what it is about that road but it makes everyone want to speed. I drove down there today and as soon as I got to Atsion Road I picked my speed up. I guess because you feel like nothing is around you and through Shamong there aren't many houses. I remember as a kid my father owned a Mustang GT and my cousin wanted to race him with his Monte Carlo. Guess where that was settled? You guessed it, Atsion Road, haha.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I don't know what it is about that road but it makes everyone want to speed. I drove down there today and as soon as I got to Atsion Road I picked my speed up. I guess because you feel like nothing is around you and through Shamong there aren't many houses. I remember as a kid my father owned a Mustang GT and my cousin wanted to race him with his Monte Carlo. Guess where that was settled? You guessed it, Atsion Road, haha.

Alright, who won?
Oct 25, 2006
Been down Atsion Road four times in the last three weeks, cars were passing by me like i was standing still. Seemed like everytime time i got to Jackson Road to and from Atsion it was interstate like.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I can speak for the weekdays, but on the weekends, Atsion Road is traveled quite heavily by then State Police.

That is probably true on the lower part of Atsion Rd on the weekends, but not the upper (unless it's changed in the past couple years). In the 4 years I lived there I only saw perhaps 4 or 5 people pulled over in the area around the Medford border. When you get into Medford Lakes there is often a speed trap however.


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
Oh, who won? Haha The Mustang had no problem with the Monte Carlo SS. We settled more than one "who is faster" arguments with trips to Atsion Road. Usually took place right where the gun club is. At that time the house in the field wasn't there. A lot of things were different back then.