All she lost: My sister's battle with Lyme disease


New Member
Nov 5, 2008
Wow! Sorry to hear that. I hope it doesn' discourage you from getting out in the same places you went to before. The odds most likely are very good that it may never happen again.


Guy, the statement "The odds most likely are very good that it may never happen again" may be a a bit misleading for a number of reasons. Having had Lyme disease does not provide protection against re-infection, many people who have had Lyme and been treated get renewed infection after additional exposure. Also Lyme is not the only tick-borne disease that can cause severe illness; bartonella, babesia, etc. are others that may or may not be transmitted during alternate tick bytes. Finally, there are different strains of Lyme that manifest itself in different symtoms and treatments.

It's a nasty business. To be conservative I would treat each exposure as a new one and act accordingly.