Alquatka Tributary



Here's more, from another archeologist:

According to my sources, the Alquatka Branch was called the Alquatqua
Branch in 1873 mapping. It is not shown on the 1876 Beers Burlington
Co Atlas.

It is mentioned as early as 1756 in the Surveyor General Books, where
it is referred to as the Edqueatqua Branch. The origin is supposedly
Lenape, but the name is not mentioned in Nelson or other compendiums of
Indian Place Names.

If you can't find anything else, then do what Father Beck would do,
make up a story.


May 25, 2004
Medford, NJ
Plenty of deer! Redux

Well, padre, if I had to make up a story, I'd go with the
double jubilation appellation: "Plenty of deer! Plenty of
deer!" Sure beats Atlantic Tansport Company. Thanks,
Bill W.


Plenty of deer! Redux

mullicaman said:
Well, padre, if I had to make up a story, I'd go with the
double jubilation appellation: "Plenty of deer! Plenty of
deer!" Sure beats Atlantic Tansport Company. Thanks,
Bill W.

If you say the names aloud, they all sound sort of similar:
Atco Atco
etc.....just the Atco Atco is a little more obvious with its doubling sound.


Plenty of deer! Redux

BEHR655 said:
bach2yoga said:
Atco Atco


I think the term Atco Atco was often followed by Sunday!! Sundaaaay!!!

Yes! Yes!

Haven't been to atco for a while, imagine Joseph would love the funny cars.

Bye-bye (ha),


Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
Plenty of deer! Redux

bach2yoga said:
BEHR655 said:
bach2yoga said:
Atco Atco


I think the term Atco Atco was often followed by Sunday!! Sundaaaay!!!

Yes! Yes!

Haven't been to Atco for a while, imagine Joseph would love the funny cars.

Bye-bye (ha),

I assume that Atco track has commercials for their racing? Is it just as bad as Englishtown?

There's nothing like the smell of burning rubber or Nitro Methane burning Funny Cars :)


Plenty of deer! Redux

njvike said:
bach2yoga said:
BEHR655 said:
bach2yoga said:
Atco Atco


I think the term Atco Atco was often followed by Sunday!! Sundaaaay!!!

Yes! Yes!

Haven't been to Atco for a while, imagine Joseph would love the funny cars.

Bye-bye (ha),

I assume that Atco track has commercials for their racing? Is it just as bad as Englishtown?

There's nothing like the smell of burning rubber or Nitro Methane burning Funny Cars :)

I have never seen commercials for either, haven't watched television in almost two years. Don't have time. Always on the computer, ha! Haven't been to Englishtown either.

I'm not a big racing fan, one of those things in small doses....kinda like going to Cowtown rodeo. The funny cars are kinda cool though.



Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
Plenty of deer! Redux

bach2yoga said:
njvike said:
bach2yoga said:
BEHR655 said:
bach2yoga said:
Atco Atco


I think the term Atco Atco was often followed by Sunday!! Sundaaaay!!!

Yes! Yes!

Haven't been to Atco for a while, imagine Joseph would love the funny cars.

Bye-bye (ha),

I assume that Atco track has commercials for their racing? Is it just as bad as Englishtown?

There's nothing like the smell of burning rubber or Nitro Methane burning Funny Cars :)

I have never seen commercials for either, haven't watched television in almost two years. Don't have time. Always on the computer, ha! Haven't been to Englishtown either.

I'm not a big racing fan, one of those things in small doses....kinda like going to Cowtown rodeo. The funny cars are kinda cool though.


The ones I was referring to are radio commercials. You should stop at Englishtown when they have the Jet-powered and Funny Cars. Even a non-race fan would appreciate this.


Plenty of deer! Redux

njvike said:
The ones I was referring to are radio commercials. You should stop at Englishtown when they have the Jet-powered and Funny Cars. Even a non-race fan would appreciate this.

We were thinking of taking the kids sometime this summer, maybe we'll do Englishtown instead. That should be my fill for another five years or so.... :)


May 18, 2004
We were thinking of taking the kids sometime this summer, maybe we'll do Englishtown instead. That should be my fill for another five years or so....

Oh, do go soon Renee. July 7th is the 29th annual Snap-On Tools NIGHT OF THRILLS!!! You wouldn't want to miss that. LOL



May 25, 2004
Medford, NJ
Cost of Wharton Acres Estates

Our Central Record newspaper ad has the estates starting at $700,000.
I drove out there last week to see what happened to my old Atquatqua
access (notice I'm using the older designation, folks), and there were
only two houses completed. Maybe they are so overpriced no one will
consider buying them, and Wharton Acres will be a bust?
Yea, yea, make all the Atco Raceway jokes you like. Like the power
lines running over Alquatka, and the "citizen's firewood program" on Atsion Road (where residents could pay a fee and then cut down oaks and other hardwoods and cart them off in their trucks--I guess the state saved $ on their controlled burning labor costs), the Atco Raceway is a
blemish to the forest. A pristine section of the Mullica lies at the end of
the track, ah, there's the rub.. The noise Friday and Saturday nights,
not to mention the noxious fumes and overpowering floodlights must have
driven all the self-respecting white-tailed deer out of Alquatka! Did you
know the raceway sits on state forest land? Look at your ADC map. How did that happen? Funny political favors going on here. Was Christie's
husband a racing car fan? I dunno. Bill Wiegand


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Cost of Wharton Acres Estates

mullicaman said:
I guess the state saved $ on their controlled burning labor costs), the Atco Raceway is a
blemish to the forest. A pristine section of the Mullica lies at the end of
the track, ah, there's the rub.. The noise Friday and Saturday nights,
not to mention the noxious fumes and overpowering floodlights must have
driven all the self-respecting white-tailed deer out of Alquatka! Did you
know the raceway sits on state forest land? Look at your ADC map. How did that happen? Funny political favors going on here. Was Christie's
husband a racing car fan? I dunno. Bill Wiegand

Before you start complaining about Atco Dragway, I have add my 2 cents in. That track has been there for more years than you can believe, and anyone who moves in that area has no right to say anything about it. It is not a blemish to that area, it is a good healthy sport location that any race fan can go to and enjoy a day there. BTW I have only been there 3 times.

As for the land being state land, I am certain that is not true. If it was that place would have been long gone, because the new residents tried to fight it in years past, and fortunately the dragway won out. Their property usage is not expanding, but the new home properties certainly are. That tells you right there what we should be worrying about.

And as for the environemetal aspect of it, I can bet you that the fertalizer placed on lawns by the overwhelming new homes in the area, has done more damage than that that racetrack could do in 100 years. I am tired of new home owners moving into places such as this, and forcing businesses that have been there forever out. It is high time that people take the responsibility on themselves to investigate the area they move into before they buy.

And as for power line running through there, were do you think you get the electricity to post this? It has to get to you somehow. Maybe they don"t look nice, but would you want them to dig a trench through your Atquatqua, or put lines across it? We have to give and take in this world, and I believe Atco Dragway and the power lines give, and the homeowners in that area take.



May 25, 2004
Medford, NJ
Motocross Extensions

Take a walk sometime during the dragway's off-season, through the
second entrance, the one nearest the Wharton State Forest sign. There
is a special slalom course for dirtbikes on the left, and as you follow the
sand road under the powerlines towards the Mullica, you will see in-
numerable dirtbike/motocross tracks throughout the state forest. These
bikers do not restrict themselves to the raceway boundaries. They take
off into the forest--WHERE THEY ARE ILLEGAL--and proceed to disrupt
the plants and animals that are protected by the state there so that they
can have a playground! Many times when I have hiked in Wharton on
fall weekends, I have encountered teenage dirtbike gangs, who, when
they see me, try to figure out whether I am a park ranger or not, and,
upon closer circumspection, when they see that I am not, go merrily on
their way. They know the rangers are understaffed on the weekends,
and know no one will do anything. Once I saw a father and his son
riding a go-kart around the sand roads near Goshen Pond. I saw a wild
turkey mother and her brood being routed by illegal dirtbikes on Glossy
Spong Road near Hampton Furnace. I have become an ersatz park
ranger with no authority, although I am a concerned citizen.
I wonder where the Honda Dealer on Rt. 38 in Mt. Holly recommends
to their ATV purchasers the best places to ride? Any guesses?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Dirt Bikes and such are quite a different story. If they register them as required, then they have all the rights and responsibilities as you and I do when we drive our vehicles there. And if they don't register them, then they deserve what they get. We have no disagreements there I assume.



May 25, 2004
Medford, NJ
Sand Roads..Paths...Clearings?

Registered motor vehicles are allowed in Wharton on
designated roads, but what does that mean? These
dirtbike groups may be registered and enter the state
forest on designated routes, but they don't stay there.
And who is going to monitor them? Me.?.. Hey, I'm way
out in the Barrens, a balding 52 yr. old schoolteacher
with a squeaky voice, shaking my hiking staff, saying:
"Gentlemen, I don't think you're obeying the law!" Sure!
Many people who have posted here are concerned about
all kinds of illicit activities going on in Wharton and have
felt powerless to do anything.
BTW, the argument about the powerlines over Alquatka
firing this webpage is entirely specious. Just because I use
electricity doesn't mean I shouldn't complain about how it
is procured. Let's say technology advances to the point
where we don't need powerlines--how long does it take to
bring back those cedars? This isn't an enlightened forestry
initiative, here. This is large scale strip-cutting. Those cedars
were priceless, and probably some of them are polyurethaned
wide-plank flooring in those $700,000 estates now. Bill W.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
All I can say is that when I see dirt bikers riding off of the roads, I just continue on my way knowing that what I am doing and how I am doing things is what I should be worrying about. If they want to do that, then they take the risks. I can't be worrying about every single thing that goes on out there, or I would not be able to enjoy myself.

Years from now you might find as I have that MOST of these infractions are really quite mild in the general scheme of things. The road these bikes dig will disappear, the trees will grow back, and nobody but you or I will even remember them.

I don't know how illegal it is for dirtbikes to ride there. I've seen them hold organized motor-crosses there. As far as Atco Raceway being on state land, I think it is state land around Atco Raceway. The raceway has been there as long as I can remember.
