An Education On Quail


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I never had much of an appetite for put-and-take pheasant and quail hunting or trout fishing either. I’d much rather prefer resources be used for improving or restoring habitat for native birds than raising and releasing birds that are no more wild than chickens. It is my understanding that the project off of Davenport Road in Berkeley Twp being discussed in another thread is an attempt at restoring this type of habitat. It once occurred naturally by means of more frequent and severe fires but now can only be achieved in most parts of the state by mechanical thinning.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Good read. They also have the quail project going now to get wild numbers up. Theres only two WMAs in NJ that stock quail and allow hunting, and with one being just down the dirt road from me, I cant help but take advantage during bird season. The dog loves it. I understand your thoughts German, but this is NJ and for those who enjoy getting a dog on birds its the only option. Wild Grouse in upstate NY is much more enjoyable. As far as stocked trout, even Montana, Colorado, and states of the like have large stocking programs to keep numbers healthy.


Apr 4, 2011
I can not recall the last time I have heard a Bobwhite's distinctive call. It has to be over ten years, atleast. I have seen a few pen-raised birds that are in horrible shape, with large patches of feathers missing and a few unable to fly. I think over crowding and the netting over the pens was the cause. I recently read that Bobwhite numbers are only around five million in the nation, the lowest ever. New Jersey is said to have only three thousand or so native, wild birds left.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I hear them frequently back behind our house. The Brig division of Forsythe NWR also has a covey or 2 running around. I've seen them in the NW upland section.

My favorite time for hunting them at Greenwood was January until the season closed around valentines day No one around and still plenty of birds. Now with a 4 bird limit and a 2 week shorter season from Jan on, it is hardly worth the effort of a 13 year old Brit, or the expense of a stamp for his owner. :(


Apr 4, 2011
It is a call that is missed. There has been so much encroachment and loss of habitat in central New Jersey, that I don't think Bobwhites can have a come back. The southern section of the state hasn't experienced the building boom that this area has had. Most of the old farms are now developments, from Hamilton to Chesterfield or from Robbinsville to Creamridge. I can understand why the birds don't want live around these McMansions. More and more I realize that it is matter of time before I move to the southern part of the state.


Apr 14, 2005
Absolutely nothing wrong with hunting or fishing stocked wildlife. Especially when it helps to get the youngsters to the outdoors to hunt or fish.
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