To protect the area, my source must remain a secret. You can't be too careful about this things.
Heh, wonder how much I'd get for my bottle of authentic Blue Hole water. Some tool would buy it, no doubt.
Heh, wonder how much I'd get for my bottle of authentic Blue Hole water. Some tool would buy it, no doubt.
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I am willing for a price to divulge the locations of sites in the pines that contain numerous items in the pines. In places there are truckloads of them. All are gaurenteed to have been used, and abandoned. I am willing to collect and ship them for a price also. It dosn't matter what type of items you are interested. Building materials, auto parts, bottles, you name it. If it was a common item, I can probably find it. Own real items collected in the pines today. I can also supply items from the beaches of NJ. Some of which have been buried for who knows how long. You tell me what beach you are interested in, and I will find you something. Prices may vary. Serious inqueries only.