Another Year Of Exploring Friendship Bogs


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

There actually are a few of the Friendship Bogs stones and monuments I have not visited or found, so today along with Al (manusmuskin) Jessica and I spent about 6 hours roaming around on the Friendship Bogs tract revisiting a few and looking for others. The first location we visited I have search multiple times and came up empty, and today was no exception, so we then moved on to a location I had just not had time to visit. We were looking for a stone and monument that is shown in the below map.

This stone is shown circled in red and has a few descriptions.

Stone near head of Bull’s Creek. Beginning Joseph Wills resurvey.


Arbitrary line between 8th corner of 540 acres and beginning corner of Joseph Wills resurvey of 331.41 acres also Smith and company.... No metes and bounds found in the records for this line.

Basically this means the state owned a portion of this land and was going to take it by altering the property line of Friendship Bogs to acquire it. Metes and Bounds is the description commonly found on old surveys where they describe the property by saying for example: 20 chains to dead oak, then 50 links to stone by Bull’s creek.

The survey map with stone circled in red.


The area where it was located is full of brier, and we had an interesting time getting there. I noticed Al had a few nice cuts on his hand after this adventure. We first found the monument which is shown here.



As I have mentioned before the number 8 means there is a stone 8 feet away in the direction of the line, but there was nothing there. We were resigned to the fact we pretty much had wasted our time and a little blood getting there. But being so remote it just seemed unlikely that the stone would just get up and walk away, so we decided that there was a possibility it had died and laid down for eternity. So without getting an exhumation order we decide to dig and the results made the day worth while.


Next we traveled up towards Apple Pie Hill so Al could see a stone I had found a few years back. I have been very skeptical on info available showing the property lines of the Parker Preserve. I find it hard to believe the surveyor of that property made a mistake, but my finding of the stone I found and showed Al, and our finding of this monument today makes me believe there is something odd going on there. They may own a small piece of property that they don’t know about. Their info shows their property tuning at this monument, but it clearly shows that it doesn’t and it continues on a short distance to the stone I found.


We then traveled back to the general area we were in before, this time closer to the Alloway Monument. I had visited this before and showed Al the stone today. It is a really odd shaped stone underground.



And our final destination today together was right along the Tulpehocken Creek. Back in April 2004 while on the greatest PBX hike ever (Tip Toe Through The Tulpehocken) I led the group to the far South Eastern corner of the Friendship Bogs track where we found evidence of the location of the monument there. Unfortunately, we did not find it and had to move on. Today, we were much luckier when Al kicking around a few feet away from where I felt it should be turned up this.



And a final photo of Al doing what he does best.




Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
It looks like I am going to have to add some equipment to my gear bag for stone hunting.A rake and a garden trowel.Guy showed me how to find underground stones today.The first one we found (the third pic below the map) I must admit I was quite skeptical that there was really something there.I had scratched at the ground with my fingers and found nothing but then Guy took the rake to it.Jabbing repeatedly into the ground and all I heard was the dull thud of the rake into the ground.he started bearing down hard and making a hole and I was thinking it's not there.We're beat and bloody with noting but the concrete monument to show for it when all the sudden i heard a distinct chink of metal against concrete and them we were both tearing at the ground with our fingers and this lazy rock was slowly uncovered.It has been laying down on the job for who knows how long,probably since whoever pushed the berm up next to it shoved it over on it's side and the roots grew over it and the dirt covered it over.It was about 4 inches down which takes some time to accumulate humus that deep. I have to give Guy props.he is the stone digginest Dude i have ever seen.Later on we dug up another stone and some monuments and i got to hone my location techniques.i barely missed a smashed kneecap when i dropped down on the point and missed the stone by two inches with my was uner about a half inch of duff and woulda hurt bad.Thats when it sunk in this Guy really knows his stuff:)
Oct 25, 2006
Nice finds Guy and Al, another interesting day stone and monument hunting in the Pine Barrens. Did you refind the partially destroyed Monument in the Alloways Monument area ?



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj boots? In that photo looks like you got a little damp.

i had new slightly above the ankle insulated boots on.their very warm even when wet inside which is god.I didn't wear the hip waders because i wasn't expecting to do any serious swamping and the only reason i did get wet was because my mind was in hip wader mode and I wandered into a deep puddle which was easily avoidable but i was thinking my waders will protect me and guess what,water does seek and will find the lowest place.I came out of wader mode real fast.The boots are so light they're like moccasins and very warm but the low tops are a disadvantage in high water conditions.the barrens were flooded out yetaerday.Under normal circumstances we were in areas that should not have been wet but they were.As a onus my wife had the idea of breaking out my work carhart pants and they do stop briars! The only place i came out bloodied yeterday was my hands.Usually after a day in the barrens my legs look like a war zone.