How clean it was then is a little deceptive. When the wooden railings were placed there it was cleaned up with the help of the Meteor Motorcycle club and maybe others I believe. I am assuming the sign was placed there then. I had not been there in quite a few years so I am uncertain, but it was a mess in the years before that also. I don't believe the damage was as severe though.
This was taken in April of 2002 and looks pretty new. BTW, thanks for checking out my gallery.
Myspace will be there nail in the coffin then hopefully.
Well, if somebody does enough research there might be enough information to provide info to the authorities.
How clean it was then is a little deceptive. When the wooden railings were placed there it was cleaned up with the help of the Meteor Motorcycle club and maybe others I believe. I am assuming the sign was placed there then. I had not been there in quite a few years so I am uncertain, but it was a mess in the years before that also. I don't believe the damage was as severe though.
This was taken in April of 2002 and looks pretty new. BTW, thanks for checking out my gallery.
I've been part of a clean up crew on APH and was amazed (probably shouldn't have been) at some of the stuff and the amount we picked up. I hate to say it but there is a lack of respect by folks for the woods. I wonder if they trash their own properties! I love the hill, my husband and I use it as a vantage point for pictures...and to get a chance to take in the surroundings. It's amazing how small you are when you are up in the tower looking all the way to Phila. One of these days, hopefully before it's off limits, I'll get there for a full moon rising or to see the sun rise over the pines.
There's one other thing I don't get....why do folks ( and i use this tern loosely) drive for miles into the woods to dump trash? Don't they have pick up in their neighborhood? Even if they had to haul it to the's got to be easier and closer.
Who leaves all that info???? Sounds like they are not very smart, or really smart and leading us in the wrong direction, or to someone they don't like.
Thank you for recognizing Meteor MC. We did 2 projects last yr that incompased
widening 7 miles of hiking trail and rebuilding a bridge near batso.
Meteor has talked about doing something about the grafetti at APH. But our first priorty is
rebuilding last years bridge. With all the wet weather the creek rose and floated the bridge.
Again, thank you from Meteor. We love the Pines as much as anybody.