Around The Tulpehocken


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We spent some time this morning in the woods along the Tulpehocken. On the way there we saw a strange site on Carranza Road. Hopefully nobody else here saw it as it was a Fawn's head chewed off from the rest of the body. I have a photo of it but Ben does not want us to post photo's such as that and I won't. If anyone wants just let me know and I will send it.

Anyway, it was really wet in the woods from the overnight hours and we were soaked as soon as we entered the woods. Our first stop was a blowdown I saw on recent aerials.


It took a half hour of pushing through some tough wet swamps before we reached an open upland area that we have been to before.


In the wild they are much smaller wherever I find them. All the woods were as wet as that this morning.


I almost stepped on this toad, and later in the morning I came within inches of running over a turtle. Jessica saved it by yelling out and I avoided it


This was on my tire cover. I have found the colorful ones but this one is dull. Notice it's real eyes.


And the ever present Turkeybeard.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Today, we explored the Hawkins Lowlands off of Tuckerton Road. Along the way we came out at Hawkins Lowlands Road and noticed that section is a portion of the new blue trail. If anyone hiking that trail is not prepared they will be wet. The road is flooded in many spots without a bypass. We had our knee boots on so it was not a problem. Here are a few sample spots.




Jan 2, 2003
We have been following the New Blue Trail for a couple of months. We first saw the blazes at Sandy Ridge North. Following it over many hikes with the dogs we came to Pine Crest. It cuts off before Pine Crest but then joins the road to Apple Pie Hill where it apparently ends. The road there has many logs to negotiate, it is not for bikes South it goes through the town of Friendship, veers off to get to the big bog. No, they did not fix the washed out gate. It joins Hawkin road just north of the bridge. It then goes toward Hawkin Lowland Road where I lost it. There was no sign of it along the Batsto Turnpike or where the other trails end at the back of Batsto. BTW, Hawkins Lowlands Road is a real gem.
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Jan 2, 2003
Here is my Geocache log with a great friend when Wharton was a much friendlier place.
Profile photo for TheBiscuitMan

Found it
Found it​

Wow, did we enjoy this one! You're right, the hike in made it. We parked at Tuckerton Road and began the 2.9 mile round trip. It was quite wet and I was wearing knee highs. Buffy, a Jack Russel Terrier, didn't mind a bit. She caught 1 lizzard, chased many frogs, and got thoroughly wet and dirty, her perfect day. Even the go arounds of the large puddles were flooded. The final road into the cache was mostly underwater, but no more than 4 inches. The cache itself was not obvious. Lots of pine needles have dropped in the 2 years since it was last found and the whole area looked natural. I actually found it by stepping on it. The cache container is in fine shape but alittle damp. A very nice log book.
The carpenter frogs were quite busy at their work.
I forgot to mention, we took Hawkins Lowland Road from the north, very nice!
Thanks for taking us here.
TheBiscuitMan & Buffy
This entry was edited by TheBiscuitMan on Friday, 04 May 2012 at 18:43:00 UTC.
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