Around Wharton


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
This morning we went to the location that the female rattlesnake was located last year, just to see if another one was using the same location for the summer. As we were right near the spot I saw a nighthawk take off from the ground and fly to a tree a short distance away. I have only viewed one before years ago when Bob, Mike Baker and myself were exploring near Quaker Bridge. I immediately knew to look on the ground where the bird had left, and sure enough we noticed the eggs. It only takes 19 days for them to hatch so next weekend we will go back and check again.


We also visited a morning glory site that the state has blocked off. And while it is early for them, I suspect as with last year the amount of them will not expand.


And we visited Quarter Mile for the first time this summer and someone with a huge vehicle has driven through it. It appears that is all they did so the damage is very minimal. However, it is really dry out there and we were able to walk around the complete area with no problem.



I hopefully should have something interesting for you tomorrow.
