I have a history with assassin bugs. Now, trust me, DON"T GO NEAR THEM!!!!
I have a genetic trait, I guess you would call it, that for some reason, insect bites and stings have little affect on me. I have been stung multiple times in one shot and the swelling is gone in 10 minutes, mosquito bites are gone in 5 minutes. I consider my self lucky (although chiggars still itch like hell). Any way, I was bitten three times by an assissn bug. One time it was on the throat in a swamp while I was on the motorcycle. I thought I was going to die!! Very painful and I swelled up Like you wouldn't believe. Took a full day for the swelling to go down. I was bitten on the arm in another instance, same effect, and the leg another time. Worst insect bite ever!!! (except for poisonious spiders of course). I read that these things will gang up on small mammels (rodents) and take them down. They are vicious!!!!