Atison to Mullica Campsite


New Member
Mar 23, 2006
Cherry Hill, NJ
4/1/06 to 4/2/06

I had planned to leave from Batsto, but per the map, it appears to be only 3.5 miles. I'm leaving from Atison instead (5.3 miles per map).

I intend to leave Atison by 10AM and travel very leasurely, taking pics along they way. Once in camp, I hope to be able to set up my new hammock and chill for most of the day. Although, I'll probably explore around the campsite area a bit and try out my GPS.

When I get back, I'll try to post something here.


New Member
Mar 23, 2006
Cherry Hill, NJ
Boyd said:
Maybe you meant 4/1/06 to 4/2/06? :)

What do you mean it's wrong? Look again:)

Anyway, the trip was good. Took a few pics that I'll try to post later.

The hike down was nice, although I was happy to get to the site as I was pretty tired. My pack was pretty heavy. It took just about 2 hours walking time and maybe 2 1/2 hours total.

Weather was perfect. Warm and breezy. Luckily I put the fly on my tent at setup because it did rain a little later for about 20 minutes.

No fires were allowed due to the dryness which was a bit of a bummer especially because it became quite cool in the evening.

A few people came into the site later in the day, but that was it. No rangers ever stopped by.

Slept great, exept that I forgot a jacket or sweatshirt and my sleeping bag is a summer bag. I was a bit chilly. It was a bout 40 degrees by morning. I dreaded getting up out of the bag.

I packed up and got moving by about 8:30 AM. I took the road (Quaker Bridge) all the way back and it proved to be a shorter distance (4.75 miles instead of ~5.75 miles).

I saw some vultures and a whitetail deer but nothing much else.

All in all a nice first trip of the year. I need to lose some weight from my back though for next time. As stated previously, I'll try to post some pics.

Also, does anyone know how to assign the campsite as a waypoint on a gps? I have a Garming 76CSx and could not figure out how.


PS - Zero ticks, and it was not buggy either.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Nice report!

The ticks must be hit or miss because up until this weekend it was a miss for me. I had over 10 on me on Saturday.

You should be able to just hold down one of the buttons for the waypoint to register At least that it how it is on my Garmin. Your manual should telll you how.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Another trick is to create a waypoint - any waypoint - no matter where you are. Then scroll over to the coordinate field push in on the joystick (or whatever cursor control your unit has). Now you can enter any coodinates you want for the waypoint. So for example, you could choose a location using Google Earth or TopoZone, then manually enter its coodinates into a waypoint on your GPS.


Jan 13, 2006
Dargo said:
Weather was perfect. Warm and breezy....
PS - Zero ticks, and it was not buggy either.

My brother and I did a half day hike from Atsion past Beaver Pond Sunday afternoon (4/2). Picked up a couple of ticks when I went off the trail, but otherwise not many bugs until evening. We saw a couple of back packers, maybe you were one of them? What a great day, the weather was perfect!

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
Slept great, exept that I forgot a jacket or sweatshirt and my sleeping bag is a summer bag. I was a bit chilly. It was a bout 40 degrees by morning. I dreaded getting up out of the bag.

Sounds like you had a nice time. Y'know, I can be kind of funny sometimes. I'll pump out twenty miles days through hard terrain and actually enjoy the burn in my quads, guess its the devil in me:jd: . One thing I dont enjoy though is freezing my uh, sleeping sack off before spring really sets in. No extra clothes and a forty bag, woohooo!!I would have kept half the camp site up with my chattering teeth.
Nice little trip report though, I enjoyed it.


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
Sounds like a good trip. I went hiking with some friends in Shenandoah this weekend.We hiked white oak canyon and Old rag Mountain the secnery was awesome but the crowds were like being at an amusement park. I really miss the pines, I could always find peace there. I tried out my hammock this weekend also, I bought a Hennesey Hammock I really like it.I learned a little about the proper set up when a storm came through Friday night and took my fly off,nothing like a blast of cold wind driven rain in the middle of the night to get you moving!You said your pack was kind of heavy, I was wondering how much it weighs and what you are hauling?

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
grendel said:
Sounds like a good trip. I went hiking with some friends in Shenandoah this weekend.We hiked white oak canyon and Old rag Mountain the secnery was awesome but the crowds were like being at an amusement park. quote]

Old Rag is a highlight of VA hiking. I did Old Rag to Robertson loop a couple of years ago. Nice rock scrambles and strenous workout. Next month I'm hiking The Dragons Tooth, probably my favorite VA spot. I imagine the hammock works out quite well for weight considering the difficulty of some of these VA hikes


New Member
Mar 23, 2006
Cherry Hill, NJ
grendel said:
Sounds like a good trip. I went hiking with some friends in Shenandoah this weekend.We hiked white oak canyon and Old rag Mountain the secnery was awesome but the crowds were like being at an amusement park. I really miss the pines, I could always find peace there. I tried out my hammock this weekend also, I bought a Hennesey Hammock I really like it.I learned a little about the proper set up when a storm came through Friday night and took my fly off,nothing like a blast of cold wind driven rain in the middle of the night to get you moving!You said your pack was kind of heavy, I was wondering how much it weighs and what you are hauling?

I did not weigh my pack but based on how heavy it felt picking up in 2 hands, it was at least 45 lbs.

I know I can lighten it as I have a habit of taking 2 items for every 1 need. I need to break away from that. There are a number of items that I always bring and have yet to use.

I'm going to weigh a number of my items and see what the essentials weigh and then see if I can pair it down before the next trip.

I was looking at the Hennessy hamocks as well, since it serves multiple purposes (the separate hammock I took with it's metal hooks and such was not light, but was comfortable:) ).

I am tired of trudging through the woods like a pack mule. I hope to really work on lightened the load this year, and save to heavy items for when I car camp with the family.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
45 lbs, I feel your pain... My favorite part of the day is when the pack comes off, I'm always ready to fly away. Dry socks, sleeping bag, light source, long johns and shirt (if its cold), minimum food, cooking source, h2o, hat, and tent. Thats what I broght on my last 3 trips. Last week I did 22 lbs, but for years I've packed about 30. I promise you will have a better time with this kind of gear.