Bald Eagle sighting

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
I think i know the lake you are talking about if we're on the same page. I was down to batsto today and did a little exploring ,but i didn't see the Eagle. There ae a number of them down at Brigantine oh opps ( Let me be politically correct) The Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge .That poor goose must have been leaving all kinds of goose sh_ _ on the golf course,LOL!


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
As far as I know, bald eagles are primarily fish eaters, but apparently when much of the local waters are frozen over, you take what you can get.

The wildlife in these parts just knocks me out.

Eagles just love fresh Goose. At Brig they make a habit of putting the Snow Geese up, sometimes it seems just for the fun of it.


Jul 29, 2007
Today, out in the middle of a lake near my house, I was stunned to see a bald eagle on the ice, a couple yards away from a goose. I turned off the main road onto a dirt road for a better view and as I opened my window to photograph it, I could hear the goose squawking. Apparently he was stuck in the ice and, presumably, this eagle was thinkin' about dinner. I should have taken that photo when I had the chance because as I crept along the road for an even better shot, the eagle flew up into one of the trees on the other side of the lake. I tried to follow the road further along the perimeter of the lake but by the time I once again had a good shot of him, a patrolman came by and I had to stop what I was doing to explain to him why I was ignoring the No Trespassing sign... he left me alone to continue what I was doing but my opportunity was gone.

As far as I know, bald eagles are primarily fish eaters, but apparently when much of the local waters are frozen over, you take what you can get.

The wildlife in these parts just knocks me out.

That would have been an amazing picture. Its amazing how many Eagles we actually have in NJ, i think we are lucky to get to see them in all there glory.


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
Eagles are oppurtunistic from what I've seen. The eagles at the Parker Preserve, feed mostly on turtles. This year I found turtle shells throughout the preserve in odd spots....big turtles too, like 14 inch redbellies and one good size snapper.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I saw one on the Delaware River today just above Dingman's Ferry. I also was able to get fairly close to a flock of turkeys, taking advantage of the several inches of new snow to muffle my footsteps. Lovely part of the state!

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
I've also seen a pair at Chatsworth lake , They landed on the low dead falls across the lake from 532 and I watched them for a half hour ,Also a nesting pair in the Brooklawn area along the Delaware , They are awesome Birds in the wild, ones in the zoo do them No justice at all as far as there Regal Stature goes


Sep 30, 2008
Later yesterday I read an article about some folks (out in the Midwest it may have been) who freed a goose that was also stuck in the middle of a frozen lake-- did feel a little guilty for a brief time about leaving it, but I really wanted to feed that eagle.
As I was leaving the site, another woman pulled over on the main road to look at the goose... as it turned out the cop told her about my eagle sighting. Another group of folks then appeared, so I don't know what the end result was. All I know is that the eagle was out of sight when I left.
As much as I'd like to go back and look for the eagle again, I don't want to see a dead goose sitting there frozen solid if he didn't come back because of the people hanging around. I'll wait until we thaw out! This was actually my 3rd sighting in probably less than 3 weeks so I'm feeling fairly confident about seeing another one. The other two were flyovers while I was sitting here at my desk!


Sep 30, 2008
I think i know the lake you are talking about if we're on the same page. I was down to batsto today and did a little exploring ,but i didn't see the Eagle. There ae a number of them down at Brigantine oh opps ( Let me be politically correct) The Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge .That poor goose must have been leaving all kinds of goose sh_ _ on the golf course,LOL!

No, it wasn't Batsto. Within 15 minutes of it, though.

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
I know , I meant that I think i went past the lake you were talkin bout, I was just down Batsto LOL! I'm on my way out to the Atsion area now . Good Birding , Good luck