Batsto Fair on Sunday


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Did anyone go to the fair on Sunday? It was the first time I had been at the fair, and it actually was pretty nice.

I did pull a stunt there that proves that my mind is going.

We were parking in the field near the new visitors center, and the people in the cars on both sides of us were getting out as we were, so I exited the car really fast as to not have each of us hit doors. My wife and youngest daughter were with me, with Jessica home here because she is sick.

Anyway, we had walked around for a while when I realized my keys were missing. I asked my wife if she had hers and she said no, when actually she did. She waited a few seconds before tell me that.

It was decided she would wait where she was, and my daughter and I would go back to the car and see if I could find them. Upon arriving back we found the keys in the car and it was still running. Duh!

TeeGate said:
Did anyone go to the fair on Sunday? It was the first time I had been at the fair, and it actually was pretty nice.

I did pull a stunt there that proves that my mind is going.

We were parking in the field near the new visitors center, and the people in the cars on both sides of us were getting out as we were, so I exited the car really fast as to not have each of us hit doors. My wife and youngest daughter were with me, with Jessica home here because she is sick.

Anyway, we had walked around for a while when I realized my keys were missing. I asked my wife if she had hers and she said no, when actually she did. She waited a few seconds before tell me that.

It was decided she would wait where she was, and my daughter and I would go back to the car and see if I could find them. Upon arriving back we found the keys in the car and it was still running. Duh!


Ginkgo Biloba


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
Ginkgo Biloba

Maybe I need it!

I think it is the aluminum dust at work. They say aluminum in the brain causes memory loss.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Stu said:
What kind of fair was it? I would've gone if I knew about it; Batsto's a cool place to walk around.

They have all kinds of vendors selling things, mainly crafts. Some of the different pine barren organizations such as the Forked River Mountain coalition were there also. But oddly enough for me the most interesting thing was hearing the actual train whistle going off occasionally, bringing back memories of when the Jersey Central would go through the intersections in the pines years ago.

It was packed. When I left the traffic was backed up around the curve, coming from the Pleasant Mills Church.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
My wife and I were there. We go every year.
It's always the Sunday in the third full weekend of October.
It runs with the two day Chatsworth Cranberry Festival.
It seems to be getting bigger every year. I am drawn to the hit and miss farm engines and the antique construction equipment and my wife enjoys all the dopey crafts.
Something for everyone.
If they only had a beer wagon.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
That man was there again making them while we watched.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
stizkidz said:
Shoot, I can't believe I missed this. I had work and was unable to attend. Was it as good as last year?

My first time so I can't say.
