Batsto Trails


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Over the weekend I found myself at Batsto where I noticed a nature trail marked with orange and yellow blazes that I hadn't seen before. So I hiked a couple miles out and was pleasantly surprised. That trail must have been built in the past few years and it's very nice. It's well marked and features several nice bridges that were evidently built by the civil engineers from McGuire AFB - there's a sign at the larger one that's dated 1999. Anyway, it made for a very pleasant and scenic walk that was a "no brainer" since it's so well marked. It sort of criss-crosses the Mullica and its branches. Along the way there are signs which point to various types of pinelands vegetation.

They seem to have done a very nice job developing a trail network around Batsto recently. I imagine there are a lot of people around there during the summer, but this time of year you can have it pretty much to yourself.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Is that the one that goes out the back of the parking lot at the visitor center?



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well it may be a continuation of that trail, although when I've taken that one I followed it up the east side of Batsto lake - also a very nice walk. It then splits off into a couple branches, one of which connects to the Batona trail.

Generally speaking I think they've done a really nice job with all the trails around there. I remember going to Batso ten years ago and everything was overgrown and not very well marked.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Oh sure, I like those kind of places too, and there are plenty of them. But I also like to go out on the well marked trails sometimes where I don't need to pay attention to where I'm going or worry about taking a wrong turn on my way back.

I remember going into that area where the orange and yellow trail is around 10 years ago. It was kind of a mess from vehicles tearing up the woods. It seems they have now cleaned it up and it looks a lot better.