Beware, new firearm law's signed

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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
If you own 10+ round mags, you may now be a felon. 6 bills were signed by Murphy.

From the governors office, the magazine restriction bill. Last sentence needs some rework;

A2761 reduces the maximum capacity of ammunition magazines from 15 to 10 rounds. The exception is for current law enforcement who are on-duty or traveling to or from duty and retired law enforcement. Individuals who legally own a firearm with an unmodifiable fixed magazine capacity of up to 15 rounds or legally own a firearm that only accepts an unmodifiable detachable magazine of up to 15 rounds prior to the effective date of the bill must register the firearm with their local law enforcement agency. The bill makes it a fourth-degree crime for a person to knowingly possess a large capacity ammunition magazine unless a firearm such a magazine is registered as required.

Sponsors include Assembly members Louis D. Greenwald, Annette Quijano, Gordon M. Johnson, Jamel C. Holley, and Paul D. Moriarity.


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Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ

June 13, 2018 — Before the ink from Governor Murphy’s pen was dry on newly enacted legislation banning firearms magazines above ten rounds, ANJRPC filed suit in federal court to overturn the new law.

“This unconstitutional law will be ignored by criminals and madmen, and affects only law-abiding citizens,” said ANJRPC executive director Scott Bach. “It turns one million people into criminals with the stroke of a pen, limits self-defense, and takes away property lawfully acquired,” continued Bach. “Buy it yesterday, ban it today, go to prison tomorrow – it’s the Jersey way, and the goal of our lawsuit is to boot this law, which makes no one safer, into the trash heap of history where it belongs.”

ANJRPC’s lawsuit highlights the many constitutional infirmities in New Jersey’s magazine ban. A federal court in California recently enjoined the operation of a similar magazine ban and ANJRPC believes New Jersey’s ban will meet a similar end – especially if the case reaches the United States Supreme Court. A link to the complaint in the case is available on ANJRPC’s website at

This lawsuit was filed in cooperation with the National Rifle Association. “We thank the NRA for its incredible support and guidance, which made this new lawsuit possible,” said Bach.

Any New Jersey resident interested in joining ANJRPC in the lawsuit should contact us at, especially those who have ever been burglarized, robbed, attacked, or even threatened by a gang or by multiple criminals at the same time, in a documented incident.


At the same ceremony where he signed the magazine ban, Murphy also signed the other five bills in the anti-gun package passed by the legislature last week: two misguided mental health bills, an attack on right to carry, elimination of private sales, and a redundant ban on ammunition that is already federally prohibited.

ANJRPC will soon be providing detailed legal analysis on each of the bills that were signed into law, beginning with the magazine ban. Please watch for upcoming alerts with the analysis.

Please forward this email to every gun owner you know, and if you don’t already receive alerts from ANJRPC, please subscribe to our free email alerts for the latest Second Amendment breaking news and action alerts.

About ANJRPC: The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs is the official New Jersey affiliate of the NRA, and is New Jersey’s oldest, largest, and most effective Second Amendment advocacy organization.

<click here for the online version of this alert>


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Just a friendly reminder.... nothing wrong with a civil discussion of this issue, but it could quickly get out of hand so please think before you post. :)

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Starting a thread regarding the passage of a gun law by the Governor and Assembly, and posting the entire front page of the ANJRPC website are political statements Boyd. You allowed it, and I am responding by pointing out the absurdity of one of the paragraphs in the ANJRPC manifesto. I am not attacking any members of this forum, just taking a position.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
You allowed it, and I am responding by pointing out the absurdity of one of the paragraphs in the ANJRPC manifesto. I am not attacking any members of this forum, just taking a position.

What are you talking about Jon? My remarks were addressed to all members of this site who might read this thread, they were not a response to your post. If they had been, I would have quoted you.

I "allowed it"??? I take a hands-off approach to moderating. Would you prefer a site where "un-allowed" content is immediately censored? If someone crosses the line and becomes abusive then I will take action. Happily, I have not actually had to do this yet as a moderator. I attempt to steer things in a positive direction instead of deleting posts or locking threads - unless things get out of hand.

The fact that I "allow" a post to exist does not imply that I agree with the subject matter.


Dec 22, 2011
This forum is the last bastion of sanity that I have from an oversensitive, divisive, at-each-other's-throats world of internet echo chambers that have permeated nearly every forum that I've been on. I won't even step mention the crapshow that Facebook and news story comments sections are. I agree with Boyd, maybe we should all make sure we're as civil as we would be if we were sitting around a campfire in our beloved Pine Barrens.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
The fact that I "allow" a post to exist does not imply that I agree with the subject matter.

It is true you have to walk a very fine line. I think it may be the timing of when you posted your caution that may have caused some alarm in Jon's mind. Pro-gun posters should consider that a lot of members take the opposing view, so they don't take kindly to initial posts that may seem provocative to them.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well I’ll break my own rule... for the record I thought the satire in Jon’s original post was well placed and his view on this topic appears to be very similar to mine. So I’m just bewildered by the whole thing. I made an appeal to everyone to think before posting so this thread does not become a problem. This was an appeal to prevent future provocative statements and not a criticism on what Jon (or anyone else) had already posted.

As moderator, I am not going to censor a thread just because I disagree with the views that are expressed, but if it disintegrates into name-calling and insults then action may be required. If anyone feels the topic of a thread is overly provocative or otherwise inappropriate, you can use the private conversation feature to contact me directly and I will discuss your concerns with Ben.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Starting a thread regarding the passage of a gun law by the Governor and Assembly, ....are political statements Boyd.

Only if you want it to be Jon. It is news that may affect some members of this forum. If it offends, don't open it, the thread title is sufficiently clear for anyone to help in that decision. 'Nuff said, I have to place an order for some 10 round mags before there is a shortage. ;)
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Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Only if you want it to be Jon. It is news that may affect some members of this forum. If it offends, don't open it, the thread title is sufficiently clear for anyone to help in that decision. 'Nuff said, I have to place an order for some 10 round mags before there is a shortage. ;)

If it is not political, then why did Boyd post "Just a friendly reminder.... nothing wrong with a civil discussion of this issue, but it could quickly get out of hand so please think before you post."

This thread is clearly and obviously political, I am a little surprised that you apparently don't realize that.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
The official site terms and rules are posted here: There is no prohibition of "political threads" on that page. Anything I post should be considered my personal opinion and not "site policy" unless otherwise stated. Only Ben - the site owner - can set policy.

The no politics "rule" reflects a preference that Ben has expressed many times in the past, but it is not something that is specifically forbidden by site policy. That is why I "allowed" this thread to exist.

Ben has stated that political discussions almost always end up dividing the community and creating barriers between people who otherwise share a common love of the Pine Barrens. I'm just trying to keep the peace and help Ben operate the site in the way I believe he prefers.

As stated earlier, if you find a thread offensive you can contact me or Ben directly through the private message feature or just use the "report" button (but I don't think I will be notified if you use the button).
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Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Boyd, I curious why you think anyone thinks this thread is offensive? it's just political, I made a satirical, hysterically funny comment, and the rest of this is just arguing about nothing.

Pax, and enjoy your weekend. I am going to take some photos if it isn't too hot.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
You specifically called me out, saying that I "allowed this thread to exist" and called me "uncivil". Bob said that many site members would not "take kindly" to a thread on such a topic. So I assumed that somebody was offended. My apologies if I took this the wrong way.

I agree, it's pointless to argue about this. Have been spending the afternoon replacing markers on my little trails and checking in here from time to time. It's just beautiful outside with a nice breeze, great day to get out and enjoy the Pines! :)
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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Have been spending the afternoon replacing markers on my little trails and checking in here from time to time. It's just beautiful outside with a nice breeze, great day to get out and enjoy the Pines! :)

It certainly is!! One of the best days of this season so far. But heating up in the week ahead.
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