Black Bear in Atlantic City!!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
This was breaking news in the Press of Atlantic City, and did not have a link so I just pasted it in.


EGG HARBOR CITY - A small black bear wandered along the 700 and 900 blocks of Philadelphia Avenue - the town’s main street -- early this morning.
The 100 to 150 pound bear passed by the city’s ambulance squad headquarters, climbed a recreation field fence, passed by the 700 block of St. Louis Avenue and residences on Baltimore Avenue before crossing Bremen Avenue and heading into the woods in neighboring Galloway Township.
Many residents called police to report seeing the bear.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is now aware of the bear’s appearance in a populous residential area and intends to remove the bear, according to Captain Raymond Peterson of the Egg Harbor City police department.
Police advise staying clear of the bear, securing trashcans and removing food sources.
If the bear is seen, call police at 609-965-1200 or the DEP at 908-735-8793.
If readers have seen or taken pictures of the bear, please call The Press of Atlantic City’s environmental writer David Benson at 609-272-7206 or email at

There is a link now. Bear.htm

wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
TeeGate said:
It is interesting that the bear traveled 25 miles in one night.

They range over approx 100 sq. miles. If left alone and esablished to an area it will roam by every 2 - 3 days...They are also opportunistic, should one find a good garbage dump; it will frequent that meal daily...PA wildlife guys say a 'fed' bear is a dead bear...last state record was shot near a dump in Stroud Twsp.; a very populated section of the poconos...Close to 800 lbs. and a short 'swim' from NJ...

They've been expanding from a water gap beachead for the past 50 years!


Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
Borgota Bear

I sat at a blackjack table with the bear, he was very rude!
He knocked over the cocktail waitress' tray and drinks went flying all over the place!! Worst yet the idiot hit on 16 when the dealer was showing a 3!!!
I tell you he ruined the hand for all of us!
He told me afterwards he was heading over to The Rod and Reel in Brigantine for a couple cocktails. :guinness:
I'll keep you posted. :bs:
long-a-coming said:
Worst yet the idiot hit on 16 when the dealer was showing a 3!!!
I tell you he ruined the hand for all of us!

LOL, I guess I'm an idiot too. I once split a pair of queens when the dealer was showing a king. The people at the table yelled at me but I didn't mind. I drew a jack on one and an ace on the other(not blackjack). The dealer had 19. I usually play by my own rules and do ok. Oh, and cards are cards and what that bear did did not necessarily affect your hand.:D

Steve aka Bear


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
long-a-coming said:
I sat at a blackjack table with the bear, he was very rude!
He knocked over the cocktail waitress' tray and drinks went flying all over the place!! Worst yet the idiot hit on 16 when the dealer was showing a 3!!!
I tell you he ruined the hand for all of us!
He told me afterwards he was heading over to The Rod and Reel in Brigantine for a couple cocktails. :guinness:
I'll keep you posted. :bs:

Good one!