I am happy as a pig in poop right now.I would never have believed this if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.Me and Momma had headed over to my oldest step daughters house to pick our oldest grand youngun an almost 12 year old girl named Taylor.There is a back way to her house which is a hair shorter then the blacktop road but slower because it is a dirt road and sometimes it is rutted.We went in that way and came back out the same way.This was about 20 minutes ago and it was raining and getting dark.I was looking into the very open pine woods and looked back just in time to see it's big black ass getting it across the road from right to left (south to north).It was not running like a deer,deer bounce,this was a low run.Momma seen the whole bear.We are both very into bears and have seen them in the wild in pa,wv and UP Mich. so we know what bears look like.She said it looked about 200 to 250 lbs. we jumped out and I tried to run into the woods to get a better look but it was fairly dark and I could see maybe 50 yards but didn't see it.No tracks on the hard packed dirt road and it was raining hard.I saw it here and it was headed north toward the river.
39.34083° N 75.02414° W
He ain't got much manuever room here.He was on nature conservancy land.Maybe he is going to hole up there through hunting season?No hunting,too close to houses.
39.34083° N 75.02414° W
He ain't got much manuever room here.He was on nature conservancy land.Maybe he is going to hole up there through hunting season?No hunting,too close to houses.