Yesterday while driving down rt 40 from Buena to Salem, it proved it's self to be animal suicide day. I prevented 3 of them from being succesful. First I helped one box across the road, second there was a German Shepard chasing cars, that I brought back to its owner. Then on my way home where 40 crosses 55. I saw a box turtle upside down on the shoulder of the road that appeared "un-squished". I couldn't help but to turn around and see if it was still alive. It was . So I brought it about 50 feet into the woods and placed it right side up and waited a couple minutes from about 10 feet away to see if it would at least poke it's head out. It never did. I know it was still alive because it shut its shell tighter and I saw him move his feet. What I'm curious about is how long can these guys go on their backs? I'm hoping I saved him in time. I'm guessing the wind of a tractor trailer blew him over. If someone could answer this it would make me feel better. I was debating if I should bring him to Medford Wildlife Refuge.