Thanks for checking that out, I appreciate it and you could be right. But why doesn't it affect NJPB ? Maybe because NJPB uses the Google API and I don't? Sorry, the decision is final and the NJGIN maps will be removed later today. Even if this is a mistake, it just highlights the problems with maps over which I have no control. Performance is often poor too, compared to my local maps that load very quickly. I'm just not interested in contacting somebody at who won't understand what I'm talking about and will bounce me around to somebody else who probably won't. It may be related to arcGIS who hosts the maps and not even NJGIN.
I am sorry - just like HERE and Mapbox, these full-resolution NJGIN aerials are very useful. Too bad, but I have already moved on. It's certainly unfortunate, and if this means boydsmaps no longer meets your needs, I'll understand. But, unlike Mapbox/HERE, there's a solution to this problem - just click
Share > View this location on NJPB Maps. That will open the comparable NJGIN map here at NJPB. Right now, it's kind of "dumb" as it will always open the Google map. But I'm revising the code today, so that it will open the same map (if available). For example: if you're viewing the 2000's BW aerials at boydsmaps, it will open the NJ 2002 infrared aerials at NJPB. This will let you browse the maps quickly at boydsmaps, then when you want to zoom in farther, NJPB Maps is only two clicks away.
I'll make another post when the site changes are completed later today (tomorrow at the latest). Am also expanding the 2007 and 2012 aerials to cover all of NJ (they currently only cover the Pines), this should help with the transition. The 2012 expansion is all downloaded, rendering the maps now (a long process). Am still downloading North Jersey files for the 2007 aerials, they will also be online before long. After these are completed, will probably expand the 2020 aerials as well.
But yeah - this will change the nature of boydsmaps - for the better IMO. And the site is more popular than ever, have set some new records for the number of tiles/amount of data downloaded this week. People are coming from throughout the Northeast US region, not just NJ, which makes me think I'm doing something right.
In summary: sorry if this is a disappointment, I can understand that. I was happy enough with the status quo until this happened. But I'm not going to have a long menu of maps that don't work, I don't want to wait until they decide to fix this (assuming it's not intentional) and definitely not getting into a dialog with NJGIN about why I'm "entitled" to use their maps.