Bub's big fishing expo

This was in todays paper (the press of atlantic city)
he was entered in the local yout fishing tounament



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Nice! Keep that article for him to read some day.



Dec 11, 2005

Being a fellow fisherman, I might be treading in taboo waters, but are you willing to say where you were fishing? I understand if you want to keep the location a secret. Beautiful memories there, my friend!
Bub's Fishing Report::

June 1st 2008

(1) 22 inch pickere
(1) 21 inch pickerel
(1) 15 inch large mouth bass
(1) 12 inch large mouth bass
(1) 11 inch large mouth bass
(1) 11 1/2 inch black crappie


(1) 12 inch large mouth bass
(1) 11 inch large mouth bass

photos to come soon
having problem getting photos out of my camera onto my card


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Looks like Bub has that fishing magic. Way back when I was his size my nickname was Bub/Bubby. It came from my little sister trying to say brother. Keep up the good work it's a sport they can enjoy for a lifetime!
Contest Leaderboard

Black Drumfish
• 78 pounds, Patrick Voss, Galloway Township

• 13 pounds, Charles Ayers, Sweetwater

Bluefish (Youth)
• 7.78 pounds, Hunter Elbertson, Egg Harbor Township

Chain Pickerel (Youth)
• 4 pounds, 4 ounces, George Ramp III, Egg Harbor City

Gizzard Shad
• 3.61 pounds, Anthony Delanzo, Tuckahoe

Largemouth Bass

• 4 pounds Edward Norcress Jr

caught April 3 on the Mullica River

Largemouth Bass (Youth)

• 3.5 pounds, Charles Maxwell V, age 5, Laureldale


Dec 11, 2005

Maxwell--I could see on Mapquest where you were fishing in Mays Landing. I fished the old railroad bridge 30 years ago. Tell me, have you or anyone you know ever fished Lake Lenape? I did not realize Atlantic County owns 2000 acres of pineland comprising the park adjacent to the lake. The feeder stream looks like a great place to fish, too.
that river that feeds lake lenape is an excellent place to fish. we fish lake lenape alot actually we where there this past friday and had a little cookout too. we where going to put my little aluminum boat in there this past sunday morning, but we had some stray thunder clouds coming through so we put it in at that train bridge later in the day.


Dec 11, 2005

that river that feeds lake lenape is an excellent place to fish. we fish lake lenape alot actually we where there this past friday and had a little cookout too. we where going to put my little aluminum boat in there this past sunday morning, but we had some stray thunder clouds coming through so we put it in at that train bridge later in the day.
How is the bass fishing in Lenape Lake? Pike? I lived in Malaga, a stones-throw away from Mays Landing, for nearly 10 years, and I never knew there was such a nice lake and park back in there.
bass and other fishing is great at Lenape lake. the nice thing about it is there is a good variety of different fishing. the county put a fish ladder in at the dam a couple years back which made it even better.if you put a boat in at that old train bridge you fished at years ago and head west you come to the dam. at tjust before the dam is also a great place to fish also from a small boat or off the bridge that crosses right in front of it.
we have never actually caught picerel in there but other people i know have said that they have.