Buddy Goes Nuts


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Three days ago Buddy and I were well in there (as they say) just northwest of the Forked River Mountains. Late that night I heard movement downstairs and my daughter asked me to come down. She was on the computer and noted Buddy running back and forth from the living room and her room. He had really wild eyes and every so often would get down and roll and rub the carpet, then jump up and run again. We didn't see any visible evidence of anything on him, so figured he might have something in his ear. I got him to calm a little bit.

The next day I discovered the problem. He had a massive amount of baby ticks on him, perhaps 1,000 or more. They had grouped on his legs, in between his toes, and on his ears. I also noted that there was a lot of dead ones in his hair. I brushed him with a stiff broom brush and hundreds came off him, dead. Buddy has frontline on and it was working really well. By this morning they had all died and fell off on their own. I found a cortisone soap and gave him a massaging bath and he finally got some good sleep time in.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BobM said:
Buddy has frontline on and it was working really well.

I need to get that! Yes...the little ticks are out in force now...I had hundred's on me Saturday and I only walked in dense woods for about 100 feet. I wear those pants you gave me every weekend now and they can't get through the thick part of it. I just have to leave my car windows closed in my driveway to overheat the ones who get on my seat.

I am glad buddy is better, I am sure he was very uncomfortable.



Jul 26, 2003
Ormond Beach, Florida
My two cats here in Central Florida are allowed out only a few hours each night, but sure manage to collect more than their share of fleas and bring them into the house when they return. As a result, I set off several bug bombs yesterday which should improve the situation. Down here the local Animal Control gestapo say that you must keep all pets outside on leashes, and that includes cats. Never heard of such nonsense.

Do any stores in Central/South Jersey sell Frontline? It must be purchased through veterinarians down here, and is so damned expensive. I think they have a monopoly sanctioned by the manufacturer of the product. I will be up in South Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania the second week in September and would love to find a reasonably priced store. Also, perhaps, link up with some of the members of this site if there are any good trips coming up - away from ticks.

Assume that Buddy is a dog - that must have been a horrible nightmare for him until the ticks died and fell off. Guess we're lucky that there don't seem to be any ticks around here; the fleas are bad enough.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
aserdaten said:
I will be up in South Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania the second week in September..........Also, perhaps, link up with some of the members of this site if there are any good trips coming up............

You have to keep us informed as the time gets closer that you are coming up.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I used to get Frontline from the vet, but with the help of Google I found that it's available online also. I have been buying from Entirelypets.com for the last couple years now. Cost about 1/3 of what the vet charged, and it's the same thing.

Your mileage may vary of course....


FWIW, Medford Lakes passed a cat ordinance like that about 3 years ago. I never thought it would go through, but it did. That seemed like the final straw for me, and honestly it was a real factor in my decision to sell my home there.


Jul 26, 2003
Ormond Beach, Florida

Thanks for the suggestion for Entirely Pets - looks like a pretty good deal; will have to look further into it later today.

One of my two lads pulled an all-nighter last night, and when I woke up quite early this AM, found him at the front door. But at about 1:30 he was nowhere to be seen - the little bugger. Gotta watch it, since some dog walker here in the apartment complex likes to squeal to Animal Control whenever she sees one or both of them.

Last time she reported that one of the cats actually lunged at her, or her dog. What a laugh - those lads are afraid of their own shadows around strangers. And they won't get anywhere close to a dog, no matter how small it may be.

Rather than try to leash them I walk them after dark on the adjoining property, an independent/assisted living facility. Then I let them roam for a couple of hours around my place, hoping they will stay out of sight and that I'll be able to drag them in at bedtime.

Thanks again for the mail order tip.
