Looks like we are yet again fulfilling the role that I have seen us fulfill as a state time and time again amongst plant and animal species, we are the dividing line between North and South, forget the mason dixon line New Jersey IS the Mason Dixon line!
I am really more familiar with the flora side of things because many boreal (northern) plants reach their southernmost point in northern NJ and many austal (southern) plants reach their northern most point in NJ.
And apparently after some further research of the Common True Katydid (of which I have never heard) there are two distinct populations, northern and southern that are distinguished from each other by the rate of their chirps.
Now obviously the range isnt cookie cutter perfect but you can see the gist that I am getting at. If you dont factor in how some northern species tend to ride the Appalachian mountains further south simply because the higher altitudes mimic their habitat further north and you just focus on the coastal plain you see the trend being fulfilled in many species... NJ truly is positioned in a remarkable area, we really are The Transition State!
So i am guessing based on the range map that is bugger must affiliate itself with ole Dixie!
Maybe if he were to run into a Yank there might be a brawl, Ill bet no one ever told them that the war is over!