canoe trip


New Member
Dec 26, 2007
I am a boy scout leader setting up a 50 mile canoe trip. need idea's and help. I did this when I was 14. now 52. I want to make this special so any idea's and help would be awesome.

Any discount idea's alway welcome.

This is a great opportunity to teach the scouts about the pine b's.

If you want to contact me onn my perrsonel EMAIL send too

Troop 79
Cape May.


Sep 7, 2005
I didn't want to be the first to say it. 50 miles???
You've found the right place if you want good input. There are some seasoned canoe folk here.
Why not just view some threads, check out some maps, and reach out to folks a little at a time. By Spring you'll have a plan. I myself would think segmented trips at different tributaries would be the most beneficial.
The Batsto, but not too far upper for the youngins'. The Mullica of course, from the upper at Atsion & right on out, The Wading, and throw in some lake trips to break it up. You can not do your scouts justice trying to cram some impossible 50 miler together. you will inform, teach, exercise, and inspire better with individual trips. I do not know what your budget allows but try to work your schedule so you see the different aspects each river, or body of water offers. Good luck in whatever you decide.

Hey Ron, nice to meet you. I'm an Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 48, Berlin, NJ myself. Anway, going along with what others have said, you cannot get 50 miles out of a Pine Barrens canoe trip unless you pick a lake and circle it.

When our troop goes canoeing in the Pines, we go on the Wading or Mullica Rivers for the day. We've always used Micks Canoes & Kayaks, who will drop you off and pick you up, going back at least 15 years. That might just be habit by this point though, there are plenty of places to rent from.

For longer trips, the Delaware Water Gap is beautiful and could probably get you there. I seem to remember doing a 30+ miler out (paired with hiking to achieve a 50 miler) out by Ten Mile River in Pennsylvania, but I couldn't tell you how that was set up. Likewise for the New River in West Virginia.

Good luck with your 50! I never managed to canoe 50 miles, and I fell short of my official 50 miler attempt as a Scout by three miles due to severe hypothermia. Fun! I'm trying to get some of my boys to attempt one this summer (on foot) in Shenandoah National Park. We shall see how that goes...


May 31, 2007

I am not a boy scout - never made it past Weblo's (i think that's how you spell it).

one thing i've always wanted to do is a 2 or 3 day trip (whatever is needed) and do the following.

day 1 : start bright and early in a shorter kayak and kayak from atsion lake all the way to crowley's landing. at that point, your first day would be complete and you would need to make camp somewhere/somehow that night.

day 2: start off from crowley's landing in a sea kayak (I have both a 17 ft sea kayak and a smaller river kayak) and continue down river. i'm not sure how far it is to the bay, but that's the ultimate goal - actually, enter the bay, shoot out through the inlet, kiss the ocean w/ your bow, and then the trip is more or less finished. i'm not sure how long it would take to get to the bay from crowley's but i think it's about 15 miles (correct me please if i'm wrong). a fun idea would then be to camp somewhere (Sea Pirate campground is somewhere near there) and then proceed north the next day, to get picked up somewhere near the Rt 72 bridge, and your day is complete.

I'm a memeber of JSSKA (jersey shore sea kayak assoc) and while this trip has never been done, i know it definitely could be..

so what ya think ? that's gotta be some miles.

this trip would be best done in the spring..
Apr 6, 2004
I've paddled from Atsion to Lower Bank. I took my time and camped two nights. The going is difficult below Crowley's due to wind primarily.

srburnel, I would not recommend taking your troops anywhere below Crowley's. Must the trip be 50 miles, or are you looking to spend a certain amount of time paddling?


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I'd also be carefull going below Crowley's. Bob did specify doing that trip in sea kayaks rather than in canoes, which all but the worst winds would have little effect on. But powerboats tend to create quite a bit of wave action when not in the no-wake zones on that river. With no place for the waves to dissipate, it can get hairy in some spots. An experienced kayaker would handle and even enjoy it, but I certainly wouldn't take green kids down there.

You also shouldn't take long trips on the Dealware with kids lightly. Don't think that just because it is a moving river that the current will take you swiftly downstream like in the pinelands. I've done up to three day trips on the Delaware many times. On certain wider stretches, the slower currents and up-stream winds can take a toll on you if you are tired from several days of paddling.


May 31, 2007
I've paddled my sea kayak down river from Crowley's many times.. that's a lovely stretch.. yes the wind can be.. well, windy.. however (as mentioned) that is part of the joy in such trips for sea kayakers. my wilderness systems sealution kayak is pretty bomb proof (wish my roll was bomb proof... i'd say it's bullet proof.).. actually, about 5 yrs ago, i was foolish enough to get caught on the mullica river during a thunder and lightening storm, that lasted about 2 hrs.. by the time i got back on the water and headed for my truck, it was after 10 pm ! even w/ all of my lights on, it was still really really dark.. it was quite surreal, but a little unnerving alone.. if anyone on here enjoys kayaking as described, don't hesitate to ask me to go.. i am a member of the jsska (jersey shore sea kayak assoc), but many of the members are up in central - north jersey..

so what ya think ? that's gotta be some miles.

this trip would be best done in the spring..

Yep, Weblos is the right spelling =)

That might do it mile wise (you'd know better than I), and I think I'd want to do it!

I need to learn to kayak first, as I've only even done canoes. It's actually on my to-do list for this spring, rent a kayak, go to Lake Oswego, paddle around and practice rolling...

How much harder is it than canoeing?
Apr 6, 2004
BobNJ1979 said:
I've paddled my sea kayak down river from Crowley's many times.. that's a lovely stretch.. yes the wind can be.. well, windy.. however (as mentioned) that is part of the joy in such trips for sea kayakers.

I dig. I'd think that arranging for sea kayaks would present too many logistical problems, but perhaps Ron can make it happen.


May 31, 2007
pineypaddler - do you ever do any kayaking ? maybe we could get out on the water together.. always nice to meet new ppl who share your hobby.. cheers..

P.S. regarding sea kayaks - Bel Haven Canoe and kayak is the best place for anything paddling related.. (yes i'm biased.. i've bought a few there). i'd be happy to go along on any such trip w/ your boy scout group.. (canoe or kayak.. always nice to get out and enjoy the outdoors w/ like minded ppl)..

Mike - kayaking is not difficult at all.. your body is in a very good position in relation to the water (not up high like canoeing) rolling - i learned in a warm pool at TCNJ.. took a little getting used to it. but it's ADDICTIVE ! Oswego lake is a great.. atsion is too.. as well as harrisville.


Sep 30, 2007
Browns Mills
(Whether or not the original poster reappears)
I'm pretty sure there is a badge for Boy Scout's for canoeing 50 miles.

I don't believe there is one continuous river in the Pines 50 miles long. The longest may be the Great Egg Harbor River, if you have anything left after that you could head to another river near by for the rest of the miles to get the 50.

If one wanted to take a continuous canoe trip of such magnitude with camping along the way, look no further than the Delaware River.
Last summer I went 40 miles in three days, camping two nights., from Dinghams Ferry to Belvidere NJ. It was without a doubt the best thing I have ever done in my life. I can't wait for it to get warm enough to do it again!:dance:.............Mike


May 31, 2007
Last summer I went 40 miles in three days, camping two nights., from Dinghams Ferry to Belvidere NJ. It was without a doubt the best thing I have ever done in my life. I can't wait for it to get warm enough to do it again!:dance:.............Mike

I'm IN ! (if you're allowing guests that is.).. i'll be in a kayak however..


Sep 30, 2007
Browns Mills
I'm IN ! (if you're allowing guests that is.).. i'll be in a kayak however..

Guests/friends are always welcome!
Although I haven't been able to talk my friends into canoeing. They all have power boats and think it's too much work.

It's tough finding a shuttle ride. (My gf doesn't drive.)
Got a car?? I have 2 extra canoes and equipment, if anyone is interested in a canoe trip, don't hesitate to ask. We are always looking for somebody to go with us. No experience necessary will train, at YOUR OWN RISK.
Once the temps get in the 50's were ready to go out on any Pine Barrens day trips. Mid 50's at night and we'll be ready for a camping trip.
Just send me a pm............Mike