Cedar Waxwings


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Hey Bob,
It's easy to get hooked on Birding , back in the early 70's Furball1 And I saw a Red Tailed Hawk, and we've been hooked ever since, I have a nice sized Life list and most of them I saw right here in South Jersey, and a few in Florida, Which is a Great state to get some very different looking birds. Keep at it and Don't get frustrated when they won't stay still LOL! That's part of the fun

Life is great isn't it? Just when you think you have it figured out, you realize there is more than meets the eye. I had an old grouchy guy come over and help me repair my well pump last week. Big guy, 72 years old with calloused hands and a rough demeanor. He asked about my plant collection and he said that he studied birds. He launched into a bunch of stories about what he has seen out his back window (which backs up to Double Trouble State Park in Bamber). He really knows his birds, and it cast him in a new light in my eyes. Like a big gentle Ben.

PS: 46'r, that is a beautiful photo of that fox.


Jul 29, 2003
Life is great isn't it? Just when you think you have it figured out, you realize there is more than meets the eye.

Amen to that. I almost enjoy what I hear in nature as much as what I see ... that's why I recently started field recording frogs, birds, and whatnot (although amateur quality stuff is what I come up with). I like nothing more than dawn transitions in the pine barrens, when whippoorwills give way to a wide chorus of songbirds. It's magical. During barren trips and the drives through the woods, Al and I often play these dawn recordings and try to match songs with species. It's not always easy.

I pass by visual (as opposed to my audio) birders with their spotter scopes all the time when driving the Atlantic coast (along Ocean Drive, for the most part) and think to myself that this will be the hobby I take up next.

I'm enjoying the birding threads here on the forum immensely.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ


Sep 7, 2005
Funny I've been reading this thread. I like birds fine but I am no birder.
I enjoy those around here and love to see them hang out. I keep a little seed around to toss around the back yard now and again. I love the sight of a Cardinal. I've always had over the years a pair hanging out and they are a treat but usually only see a male and female flitting about out back. Just this morn' I strolled up the field and of course there were those little black communal jobbies that flock in the thousands on my lawn, trees, and field coating everything and lifting off in a mass so strong you feel the air change. But today... I saw a hint of red off to the side, and another, another, another! There were eight or more pairs at least, brilliant males and softly colored females just flitting about on the back field happy as can be. I watched for over twenty minutes as they bounced around. I never knew them to be communal. Are they?
This was a first for me and a pleasure to view. They're still lingering and I think I'll go toss a handful of seed after writing this.
They're awfully hard to capture in any group on a pic or I'd share.


Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
I'm not surprised, there was a nice populationof Red Foxes there, until the mange did them in a couple years back. They are starting to recover though. Too many folks were feeding them stuff they shouldn't have. :argh:

Feeding them stuff? That won't give them mange. They get that from contact with domestic dogs, I'd venture to guess, more than anything.