Chigger and Ticks repellant


Jun 8, 2005
Estelline, SD
There's been much mention of chiggers and ticks in several treads of late, and I have sat in wonder that with all the comments about "socks-over-pants" and "spray with a repellant" no one has yet mentioned the tried and true repellant that Mrs Webb, my Cub Scout den mother in 1948 had us use when we'd take walks in the Connecticut woods. FLOWERS OF SULFUR ! It is pure, precipitated, bright yellow elemental sulfur that one used to be able to get at any pharmacy - maybe still can? About a year ago I finally used the last sulfur from the big jar my Dad got in the 50's and I inherited. He cut the foot off a sheer nylon stocking of my Mom's, put several scoops-full of the sulfur powder in the toe, and tied it off. Over the years my several ex's have donated the odd foot of stocking or panty hose as replacements as needed, but, during a single/bachelor hiatus, I started using a couple layers of gauze 4-by-4 bandage to hold the powder. Just use it as a powder puff to put sulfur on the socks and pants cuff before stuffing the latter inside the former. Also apply the stuff wherever clothing binds - at the beltline, sleeve cuff, and collar.

I used it routinely when I was working and herping in the PBs.

I figured it was just folk medicine that happened to work well, and wasn't surprised to find it listed as the number 1 tick repellent when I took parasitology in vet school.

A state trapper I knew in the 60's who winter-trapped foxes for rabies control in the southern tier counties of Upstate NY used sulfur to protect against sarcoptic mange mites that he was exposed to from fox pelts. Makes sense. Ticks, chiggers, and mange mites are all arachnids. Make me wonder how sulfur might work as a spider repellent ?

The trapper also said that he'd mix the finely powdered sulfur with petroleum jelly (petrolatum / Vasaline®) and use it as a repellent salve on his ankles, wrists, waist, neck, and on his hatband. I never tried that. After my first up-close-and-personal experience with Sarcoptic mange I did powder my waist, arms, and neck well with sulfur whenever I had to do a necropsies on mangy foxes he'd deliver to the lab for rabies post-mortems.

When I moved to Texas I figured I'd be using a lot of sulfur, but the invasion of the Caribbean fire ant has had one up-side - where ant popultions are dense they wipe out ticks and chiggers.

If you haven't tried sulfur, give it a go. Let me know how you think it stacks up against any other repellant you've used.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I know some old guys that still use it Dave. It is available. I saw it the other day in the drugstore. The label says "Flower of Sulfur" for "technical" use. I don't use it because I usually am in the wet bogs anyway wearing rubber hip boots, which I spray deet on.

I was tempted this week to buy it to try and kill something that indeed had invaded my body. I was getting bit from my butt to the top of my feet by something I could not even see. They were not chiggers or fleas either. The bite looked like a bee sting, a raised area (almost 1/4" wide that was whiter than the surrunding tissue with a red dot in the center). I thought of everything, bed bugs, tiny spiders, etc. It seems to have subsided. Wish I knew what it was, damned annoying.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Actually, I did mention sulfur in a response to Bev who had observed a sulfur type smell in chigger Ex. I heard it is the best but the smell is too much for most people.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I had a wedding to go to yesterday, but I found out it was late in the day. So Jessica and I decided to head out and I got CHIGGERED! I removed them when I came home, but I am starting to see red spots now. I have never really had a problem with them so I don't expect it this time either. We shall see.



Jun 3, 2004
Atlantic County
I've got them several of times, but this time i had enough of sick of chiggers,ticks,misquitos,pine flys,gnats...whatever the hell that bites you! I'm sick of it all!!!! the way i bought that Sulfer stuff, should come in soon.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It won't be much longer that things will calm down. I hate to see the summer go, but it is so much easier exploring when it is gone.



Jun 8, 2005
Estelline, SD
woodjin said:
Actually, I did mention sulfur in a response to Bev who had observed a sulfur type smell in chigger Ex. I heard it is the best but the smell is too much for most people.


Sorry, Jeff; I missed that.
The smell? Yeah; I remember my buddy Hugh, with whom I lived and for whose Dad I worked for on the cranbogs, used to complain of my aroma when I'd return from a Sunday afternoon's herping in the pines. It wasn't a problem during the work week; the bogs were apparently not favored by chiggers. Thank God - we were usually shirtless and there was no way one could have kept ones cuffs tucked in his socks!



Apr 24, 2004
barnegat. nj

i will still swear by the dog tick powder that i buy at the dollar as heck,and it seems to work............liked that idea about mixing it with petroleum jelly....................messy but hey,if it on lad,strom


Jun 8, 2005
Estelline, SD
BobM said:

It occurred to me that a couple of years ago I happened to see bags of "Flowers of Sulfur" being sold in a farm and garden outlet as a soil acidifier and thinking that if one wanted a ten-pound bag of the stuff, it was pretty cheap. How cheap? Sorry, that was only 2 years ago and thus doesn't fall under the rubric of "readily recalled long-term-memory." (My wife claims daily to remind me that it's the short-term recollections that go first - and she tells me that she tells me that every day. I don't believe it ...)

Did I mention that ... yeah ... probably did ... Let me know if I didn't.
