Cloverdale Cranberry Farm

Ocean County bought this 80-acre former cranberry farm in Barnegat in 2004, and plans are to make it into an interpretive park. Personally, I like it just the way it is, but at least it was saved from development!


"The Old Homestead" in early spring.


The old work barns. There's also a root cellar to the rear of these buildings.


I think this is a sharpening wheel, but not was just so photographic!


The fawns were more interested in me than their Mom was!


The Bogs in early September.


The ripening cranberries.


Meadow-beauty (Rhexia virginica) I THINK, but let me know if I'm wrong!


Arrow-plant (Sagittaria engelmanniana) - I'm pretty sure I'm right on this one, but let me know, please!

This place is such a gem, and I'm lucky enough to live about 5 minutes away. The previous owner actually sold it for about a third of the value in order to conserve it. She should be sainted!​


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
The county does not have plans for any major development there. Just a few dirt parking spaces and some picnic groves, left as natural as possible. The older building will have some office space and a room or two of historic displays for the public and the newer home will most likely be used for public bathrooms. An attempt to keep the bogs in cultivation will be made, for public and school tours. This was one of the last dry pick cranberry farms in the state and has huge potential for public education. The project is just a step or two below a few others in priority at this time. More to follow!

The owner was offered much more than from the county by a developer for the farm. To her credit, she made a decision that was not easy nor popular with some of her family and saved the tract as best she could.
That's good to hear, German. Between Cloverdale and Wells Mills, the powers that be in this neck of the woods seem to making some good decisions when it comes to open space preservation in Ocean County. I just hope it continues. I heard the owner took one third of what she could have gotten, just to preserve the farm. Is that right? She should be sainted by Mother Nature herself!


Nov 24, 2007
Like the photos - very good eye - looks like a neat place to visit. Good catch with the deer. Oh, and yes, that is a sharpening wheel :)