Copyright concerns !


Jan 3, 2008
For many years I would assist various organizations with their photography needs. For some at times it was free of charge, others paid a fee.

I never provide anyone full ownership to any photographs I create.

I license their use.

My concern is that various non profit environmental - preservation organizations in NJ as they have grown from their infancy. Have been taking advantage of a persons willingness to help an organization with low cost or no cost images and are violating a persons copyright by selling the images in posters, or displaying in various, books web sites, newsletters, etc without permission of the photographer. One of these posters is available in state parks for sale.

Now many of you may not be professional photographers. However, your images are of no less value then those created by a professional photographer and your image is copyrighted when you take the photo, or write a song, poem, create drawing or painting). Meaning you own how and where your creation can be used.

While you may never care to earn a cent from your images - creation.

I am asking you to consider not allowing any organization or business to just do what they please with your images and that you would create a licensing agreement with them.

I would gladly assist you in writing your licensing agreement free of charge and there are several online for you to download as well.


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
I personally have no problem with a land organization using my photos. I for the most part give them the benefit of the doubt that the photos will be used to promote protection, awareness, fund raising, etc of the pine barrens. I would take issue if the photos were used to generate profit that weren't directed towards the well being of the pines. But I feel like working out liscense agreements with these organizations is counter productive towards our mutual(mine and whatever consevation org I'm working with)....I guess part of my volunteer role is to provide pictures of things. But if I were a professional I might be annoyed.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
If you place any image online or in print or allow its use by others, and do not formally register it for copyright protection, that agreement is realistically worthless, and for the avg person taking pictures for fun, the effort and cost to register is not worth it. The only effective protection is via the provisions of the DMCA, see link, for any image being used without consent on a web site, such as a non-profits. I have used the provisions in the act twice with 501c(3)'s in the past, just finished with one, and they work as long as you follow the procedures. The most important thing a person can do is to not place images on the web that they would not want used by others and to add to their other photographs a copyright notice in the metadata section of the photo file. Its very easy to do and more effective than the © on th image itself; using both is even more effective. But, to each their own :guinness:

Copyright info from an attorney specializing in photography;


Jan 3, 2008
Interesting how the statement was removed from the papers opinion blog.

No freedom of speech - opinions permitted there once muscled.

Those who speak up about matters that oppress any of our society frequently have "muscle" used to attempt silence them.

"....Despite the violence, the Freedom Riders were determined to continue."