Coyote encounters- Crossley Clay Pits


Aug 26, 2007
Central NJ
Just wondering if any one else has run into coyotes any where in the PBs. This was my first trip to Crossley (off Rt 530 in Berkley) and about a half mile in (past the power lines) we ran into a small pack. But they immediately bolted as soon as they saw us. (Jusy my fiance and I). Needless to say, our trip ended there. This was on Saturday 08/25/07.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
They are out there but in the deep woods, they are a lot more reclusive and less likely to resort to kid snatching, pic-a-nic basket (Yogi Bear) rummaging and other undesireable behavior.
If you encounter them, they will do what you saw, bolt. The ones I have seen are in overdrive by the time I realize what I am seeing.
There is plenty of sign all through the woods between Atsion and Batsto and a few have been taken during deer season right here in Pestletown.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I've seen two on seperate occasions. I have not seen a pack, but have come across evidence of a fairly large pack, and a dening area. To see a pack is pretty rare, you should feel privledged. I can understand your initial trepidation though. As stated they are very wary and, because of that, pose little threat to humans.


wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
I've been seeing them in the Poconos for for 10 - 15 years and only once was the cyote unaware I was around...

This past fall I heard the pack calling at night, it's strange to hear that, sounds just like the soundtrack of a western movie. It's not unusual, while deer hunting, to hear a pack hunting BUT I've never see them together.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
I hunt and sped a lot of time in the general area you speak of firetech, not in crossley, but very close, never seen one but I do see a lot of tracks and scat. when I field dress deer in that area all the entrails are gone in about 48 hours, most likley coyotes. have no fear they will not harm you they would rather flee. you were lucky to see a pack, most likley a female with her pups. I see them when I hunt in vermont but only one at a time.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
There are quite a few out there apparently. I received this email in May with 5 photo's from a friend of mine. I won't post the photo's because they are not mine, but bobpbx, woodjin, behr655, and Ben saw them and can confirm this.

Hi Guy,
Had a great day in the pines Sunday. I came across 5 coyote pups in Penn State forest. I got a few good shots and left the area before mom came along. Later in the day I had an adult coyote walk right by me. He didn't seem at all interested that I was there. He did turn and look at me giving me the perfect pose. Never been that close for that long.


Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
My boss has a sheep farm and has to have two Great Pyrenees dogs in with his stock at night to protect them from the coyotes. They're definitely making a comeback in NJ.


Jul 29, 2003
While overnighting at Mullica Camp several years back, late at night and from the confines of my tent, I heard several coyotes within close proximity to the camp. Since, I've heard packs howling twice (at Spring Hill, and near Friendship's bogs) and recorded them once (along Hampton Gate Road) -- each of these rather recent. None of these encounters were close, but the two times I heard them live, seriously back-wooded, solo, and at an after-midnight hour, I was somewhat spooked. :) The howling-sequence recording is rather poor quality, as I had to heavily amplify the file afterward; but this enabled me to identify Wile E. and friends. These guys were probably a half-mile away; good thing my mics are more sound-receptive than my middle-aged ears. If anybody is curious to hear the minute-long mp3, shoot me a howl and I'll e-mail it.



Dec 11, 2005
Coyote Bio

From Wikepedia:

Coyotes tend not to roam in large packs as wolves do, though they have been observed to travel in small, single sexed groups. These groups are usually not as unified as wolf packs, and members will readily disperse and regroup. [3]The collective name for a group of coyotes is a band, a pack, or a rout.[3] Coyotes are primarily nocturnal but can occasionally be seen during daylight hours.[4] Coyotes were once essentially diurnal, but have adapted to more nocturnal behavior with pressure from humans (McClennen et al, 2001).

Whenever I have seen them here in Florida, they are solitary. I can imagine them grouping at night to take down large prey like a deer. I have heard that small dogs and cats are a favorite menu item, especially in populated areas.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
While overnighting at Mullica Camp several years back, late at night and from the confines of my tent, I heard several coyotes within close proximity to the camp. Since, I've heard packs howling twice (at Spring Hill, and near Friendship's bogs) and recorded them once (along Hampton Gate Road) -- each of these rather recent. None of these encounters were close, but the two times I heard them live, seriously back-wooded, solo, and at an after-midnight hour, I was somewhat spooked. :) The howling-sequence recording is rather poor quality, as I had to heavily amplify the file afterward; but this enabled me to identify Wile E. and friends. These guys were probably a half-mile away; good thing my mics are more sound-receptive than my middle-aged ears. If anybody is curious to hear the minute-long mp3, shoot me a howl and I'll e-mail it.


I'd like to hear it Bill.............bob


New Member
Aug 29, 2007
South Jersey
We have them in Marlton! There is one over by my Mom's (it was walking up the drive one night) she is over on Medford-Evesboro Rd and we have seen one across the street from our place on Taunton Lake Rd, the other side of town so I'm sure it's not the same one. They are making a come back in the area.


Dec 11, 2005
Coyote's Range

Despite being extensively hunted, the coyote is one of the few medium-to-large-sized animals that has enlarged its range since human encroachment began (another is the raccoon). It originally ranged primarily in the western half of North America, but it has adapted readily to the changes caused by human occupation and, since the early 19th century, has been steadily extending its range.[citation needed] Sightings now commonly occur in California, Oregon, New England, and eastern Canada. Coyotes have moved into most of the areas of North America formerly occupied by wolves, and are often observed foraging in suburban trashcans. (From Wikipedia)

The Coyote has never been an indigenous species to NJ.


New Member
Jun 24, 2004
Coyote on the parkway

I saw a coyote on the GSP parkway at 6:30am today in Galloway looked like a big male. He was very pretty, I wish people did'nt fear them so much. He was just standing there maybe waiting to cross the parkway. I found a dead coyote pup on poor mans parkway several years ago.


Dec 11, 2005

Coyotes are a very handsome animal, but having a respect or fear for a large carnivore in my opinion is wise. I would be nervous if I encuntered one in the woods, and I was unarmed. I recall encountering a large pack of dogs in the pines near Batsto while hunting years ago. Cute Fido will revert back to primitive instincts and hunt and kill deer. For the most part, though, Coyotes will take off the moment they see you. However, I never forget what they are: a big meat muncher.


New Member
Sep 20, 2007
Coyotes at Crossley

They are definitely out there. The other day my father was standing in the treestand where he will be hunting in a few weeks and a doe with a little one came by at 15 yards. Just then she looked behind her and snorted. A coyote was following her and when she ran chased her right by. Pretty cool stuff!