I had thought to post a video here and then remembered bens rule against dead critter photos.I encountered a very torn up remains of a deer kill this morning.Everything was there except the skull and most of the ribs were missing,still some hide and a little bit of meat left and dog or coyote tracks everywhere.I was over a mile from the nearest occupied dwelling.There were no man tracks,no bait pile,no stand and no arrow.I thought perhaps the deer was shot elsewhere and after bleeding much got thirsty and headed for water since I was 30 ft from Bluebird branch,I was exploring upstream for an obvious spring since a half mile away it crosses a road and there is no water up there and no matter how cold it gets the water never freezes even in the still spots and snow melts back from the bank so i figured spring.I found it but it's a seep over a fifty foot wide sandy spot coated with mud.I was hoping for a running spring.In any case it's a gorgeous gravel bottomed fast stream through a semi cedar swamp. Any opinions on if this a coyote kill> I can send anyone the video link on photobucket that wants to see it.