coyote sighting


Feb 17, 2007
I was in sea isle city going north to ocean city passing through strathmere and a fox crossed the road running towards the ocean. i thought that was pretty strange


Jul 29, 2003
I've been returning to the game preserve where I made the recent coyote recording about once a week, hoping to re-catch some vocals. Last night at midnight, I was walking along the edge of the field I'm pretty sure the recent coyote called from and saw two white eyes reflecting about 30 yards in front of me. I stopped and watched, while the creature on the other end checked out my headlamp. It became obvious that it was "doglike," as, among other clues, the animal kept sniffing the ground and slowly approaching. "Coyote," I determined. But what to do? I had achieved my goal of sighting a coyote in the field (though a recording would have been preferred), so I backed off. I'm sure the fellow would have yielded if I had approached, and not had me for a late evening snack. Right? RIGHT?!? :)

I recorded for four hours thereafter, but he, nor no other, made a peep. Screech owls went nuts for a while --eerie sounding, six or so simultanously, and I have some insect chatter here that will hypnotise me to no end. I'll keep going back for Wile E. & Co. (I got more far off howls last week); these guys love to bay.



Jul 29, 2003
Last night at midnight, I was walking along the edge of the field I'm pretty sure the recent coyote called from and saw two white eyes reflecting about 30 yards in front of me. I stopped and watched, while the creature on the other end checked out my headlamp. It became obvious that it was "doglike," as, among other clues, the animal kept sniffing the ground and slowly approaching. "Coyote," I determined. But what to do? I had achieved my goal of sighting a coyote in the field (though a recording would have been preferred), so I backed off. I'm sure the fellow would have yielded if I had approached, and not had me for a late evening snack. Right? RIGHT?!? :)

Since no one on the forum responded to my inquiry in regard to my wondering if I might be "had for a midnight snack" by one of these coyotes I've been luring up to my microphones (and am willing to offer a large contract to if he or she sings, mind you), I turned to my dear friend (a member of the forum who has asked to remain anonymous) and asked, "Al?" Oops. I just said his name. "Al? If one of these 'yotes I'm stalking out there in them woods during the wee hours of morn' is particularly hungry, might he have me for dinner??"

"Naw," sez Alfie.

"Gnaw?!?" replies I. "What's the difference?"

Thereby intimidated, I still went out the night Hanna blew through (Sat.) and set up the recorder (albeit close to my Silverado, in case I had to quickly retreat from a viscious pack). I recorded for two more hours and, with nary a yip made, I have now reached a total of six consecutive hours of yip-, yowl-, yippe yahoo-less tape. Drat. I keep returning to the place where the close and clear recording was made recently (posted elsewhere on the forum), and I know they're out there.

Case in point; I saw another coyote Saturday night (though Al insists I must have been dreaming, after I gave him the following account). "Naw," I explained. I had fallen asleep during the taping process, in the cab of my truck, safely tucked from hungry woofers, when I heard a plane buzzing low overhead. Awakened from my stupor, I watched the plane approach the field my gear was set up in and saw the single-engined soarer release a parachute from its bay. Scrambling for my binoculars, I saw the box drifting slowly to "an awaiting coyote!," the descending crate inscribed ACME -- or something of the like. It's hard to tell at night. I went back to sleep in the truck, but was constantly disturbed by sounds of hammering. This is where Al thinks I was dreaming, but at one point I came to and stepped out of the truck to stretch when, by golly, who but the 'yote was expelling itself from its hammered-together rocket stand and was atop the rocket and bulleting toward me with a knife and fork in hand! Luckily, I have quick reflexes and ducked just before impact. I won't tell you what then happened to the coyote ... LOL! ... but it sure wasn't pretty!

If all goes as planned, I'll be back out to catch some more yowls this Saturday night. I ain't afraid of no 'yotes. :)




Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
A very original post Bill. I was LOL.

Your luck has to change one of these nights. When it does I hope we get a chance to see the payoff.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
That coyote must be a Suuuuuuper Genius!! Nice report Bill. I doubt you are in mortal danger of coyote attack. It wouldn't hurt to have a long stick with you though. Just remember, jab don't swing.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Methinks this yotees name might be While E.?
You would think if he could afford to order all those rocket parts and have them delivered sky mail then he could afford to call Eddie's Corner or Laurel Station and have food delivered by pickup truck.Alas,I don't think it was you he was after but me,sneaking up behind you in the bushes to give you a good scare knowing how your really afraid of the dark and all.You see me and this yotee have had quite the realationship for sometime now.he really means no harm,all in fun you know.


Sep 7, 2005
You two are getting a little wierd.
I do enjoy your fantasia like creations though. Just remember, Crack kills.
But a few Shrooms never hurt eh?



Jul 29, 2003
are you using any kind of call to get them started?

No, I'm not. I've done some reading on related discussion forums about using recordings in the field in an attempt to start "live" action -- but I don't think I want to do that. (Al has suggested I try piping out noise, as well). Okay, I might be weird, but I'm patient. I'd just as well have things simmer along as if I wasn't there, even if the creatures remain silent. Noiselessness ain't so bad, either. (Rocketing coyotes ... well, that's another story). :)



New Member
Feb 10, 2007
OC / Philly
I was in sea isle city going north to ocean city passing through strathmere and a fox crossed the road running towards the ocean. i thought that was pretty strange

Not strange at all. I grew up literally a few blocks away (where the road makes a bend and heads towards the ocean). There are foxes all over the place. In the past couple years we have had a fox that has "made claims" to my block, he's quite the character (not shy at all).

Once in a while you get deer back in there.

I saw a larger canine back there, real late at night this past summer. It was definetly bigger than a fox, but I didn't get a real good look at it to confirm whether it was a coyote or a dometicated dog on the loose.