Cross Hairs


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Boyd, I remember when your map program first came out you had a on-off button for the crosshairs. I admit, I said at the time I would not use it, that I don't mind seeing the cross hairs. That has changed since I use your program so much now. I snip maps a lot that have waypoints on them, and the crosshairs can be distracting in that case. I am requesting that feature be reinstated. Thank you if you can, if not I'll get by anyway.


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Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
If you use the screenshot button, there will be no crosshairs or any other user interface elements but the waypoints will still show. Is there some reason why that doesn't accomplish what you want? I had considered an option to remove the crosshairs, and one day I might. But that requires a bunch of code and also presents a problem. The coordinates and elevation data that are displayed become irrelevant if there's no crosshairs to indicate what they refer to, so that would need to be supressed if the crosshairs are hidden. I think that would confuse people.

Regular screen capture

Screen Shot 2024-01-11 at 10.50.25 AM.png

Exact same thing, using the screenshot button (camera icon on toolbar)

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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I absolutely do use the crosshairs, so deleting them would be devastating.

I just used screen shot, it worked great, so, no problems now. thank you.
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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I absolutely do use the crosshairs, so deleting them would be devastating.

Oh, I wouldn't delete them, regardless. I meant that if there was an option to hide crosshairs, it would also need to hide the coordinate and elevation data. My concern was, if somebody hides the crosshairs they could be confused about why elevation/coordinates no longer show and not understand how to get them back.

Anyway, glad the screenshot button works for you. I included that feature for exactly what you want - a clean copy of only the map. If, for some reason, you don't want waypoints to show in the screenshot, they can also be hidden using the gear button on the waypoint spreadsheet.

BTW, I am planning to have the option to choose different sizes and styles of crosshairs and also GPS pointers in the future (some day).
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