Cumberland furnace



manumuskin said:
fries mill road is still"s now a private blacktop drive at port cumberland road and leads into what used to be camp hollybrook and now nature conservancy.once tyou get to the bridge over manumuskin creek it turns dirt.passes a house ruin and then is destroyed by a blue hole shown on the used to connect with schooner landing road long ago.potter cabin ruins are just south of it

btw, that private road is owned by a state police officer who lives there.... Al knows him, huh? :)
Good to hear you popping in again, Al!
What do you think of the motorsport complex going out there?


Apr 21, 2003
Millville, NJ
bach2yoga said:
What do you think of the motorsport complex going out there?
Sigh . . . I can hear the announcers in my house when the air show goes on (let alone feeling like I am in downtown Baghdad when the jets buzz the house). For one weekend out of the year, that is tolerable.

The thought of that kind of noise weekly is disturbing.

But the concern for a far greater number of people is the traffic. In the two years we have lived out off of Cedar Road, we have noticed the increase in traffic. At 7:00 PM tonight, it was backed-up through the three lights over the bridge in town. Rush hour is horrific for such a small town. Realistically, there is no way to unclog the bottleneck through town. The only way to relieve that is to build another pass over the river. Just where is that going? If the track gets built, it'll be further down Silver Run where the NC has land.

These are plans that a small town cannot permit to happen.


I've been told that a large number of WW2 sites will be gone if it goes through....