

Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
:siren: I was on Tuckerton road going from Carranza to high crossing. Shortly before arriving at High Crossing there is a sudden descent that is typically subject to errossion. Unfortuntely it is one of those deals where you don't see it till you are on top of it. Many of you must know where I am referring.

Anyway, a monster truck either got stuck there, or was just trying to mess the place up, I don't know but there are huge!!! ruts there and if you are going over 20mph when you approach that descent, it could be deadly. Be very careful. I'll let the Park Maintenance know. There was a monster truck there when I arrived but I don't think they were involved with the damage.

I'll try to mark it on the map.


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
It's sad what's happened to tuckerton road over the years. I can remember easily driving it from Carranza road to Washington pike, even in a small car. These days, I sometimes avoid it with my 4x4 truck.


Jan 10, 2010
That section of hill, has just been slowly getting the ruts deeper. its from guys just running up and down it alot. The hill has been like that for over a year and rangers know about it. The parks current statement on it is

"Please stay off the park roads unless you have the ability to navigate them properly. They are in need of repairs and they are working on funds to get them fix at this time."

another part of the problem in that spot is, that the ground there is of a ML-CL/ Inorganic Clay. THus it retains alot of water and never really dry's out. with that being said it packs everyone tire treads making it hard to navigate. If you approach it slowly and ride the high side, you can usually make it up or down. The problem with the packed tire treads/clay is that you have to be carefull otherewise you will slide ito the ruts and need someone to pull you out. i go up and down it with my stock tires in my 07' JK. if you are not speeding on the trail you will see it in plenty of time.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
That section of hill, has just been slowly getting the ruts deeper. its from guys just running up and down it alot.

True, but in this case there was a specific inncident that has advanced it's slow errosion way beyond what it was. I remember it always being bad, even 10 to fifteen years ago, but now it is seriously dangerous. I can appreciate the state not having the funds at the moment. Maybe we could make a sign.



Jun 3, 2009
a sign warning of road conditions won't solve the problem but it's a good idea still.and signs like this
How about posting signs that state "This area is under 24 hour camera survellance"

definitely should give anyone with a brain pause,they get my attention when i see those,in no small part due to the numerous places i know of cameras 'hidden'/mounted in the surrounding woods,so i take them somewhat seriously.
Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
My answer to fixing this problem is the same as my way of fixing illegals crossing the borders. Apparently though, most other disagree, claiming it's "too harsh" and "inhumane" and "not understanding that kids will be kids".

One warning shot over trespasser's/illegals head. At that point, he/she has (1) of 2-decisions to quickly make.

#1 - turn and retreat.
#2 - proceed forward.

If #1 is exercised, we'll see rapid improvements with the number of violators.
If #2 is chosen, then shoot to kill.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
How about posting signs that state "This area is under 24 hour camera survellance"

You have be careful here. I know you are talking about a sign and not actually putting a camera there but the suggestion could set a bad precedent if they ever decided to let Big Brother into the woods. The woods are where we go to get away from that sort of thing. We're talking about the pine barrens now, not a BK parking lot:)



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
My answer to fixing this problem is the same as my way of fixing illegals crossing the borders. Apparently though, most other disagree, claiming it's "too harsh" and "inhumane" and "not understanding that kids will be kids".

One warning shot over trespasser's/illegals head. At that point, he/she has (1) of 2-decisions to quickly make.

#1 - turn and retreat.
#2 - proceed forward.

If #1 is exercised, we'll see rapid improvements with the number of violators.
If #2 is chosen, then shoot to kill.

It can make you mad I know, I'm the one who started this thread, but keep in mind it is just dirt. It is a hassle to get down now but it is just dirt, mostly clay. It would be hard to justify shooting someone over ruts in the mud, that would be almost as bad as putting spikes in the puddles...actually, maybe a little worse. I'm just kidding with you a bit, I know you were exaggerating.



mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
shoot to kill for rutting up a road???????? It's people like you that shouldn't even be allowed to fly an American Flag. As far as I'm concerned youre just as bad as the illegals with a mind thought like that. Why don't you move out of the US and maybe you'll be a little more happy. Its assholes like you that would be putting spikes out there apparently.