Death of a Pine Snake


Mar 8, 2006
I would agree 100%. It is unfortunate what happened to the reptile. If it had not been being tracked, it most likely would not have made a newspaper article. I don't believe anyone set out with the intent to harm the snake.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj


Feb 14, 2009
You don't think this could in reality be about the evil of off-road vehicles or perhaps any vehicles in the Pine Barrens do you?
You think?
Not going into detail, I've witnessed the shenanigans these "snake people" pull. It may indeed have been run over as they claim on a trail, on the other hand it very easily could have been road kill then transported to a trail to fulfill their "agenda". Is this trail on public or private land? If private then they are trespassing. No documented proof other than their say so.
I bet the author of the story got his inspiration from the TV commercial for Fiat where the groundhog awakes in his den, yawns, stretches, sniffs the air, pokes his head out and gets covered with snow, sound familiar?
Feb 1, 2016
Camden County, NJ
You think?
Not going into detail, I've witnessed the shenanigans these "snake people" pull. It may indeed have been run over as they claim on a trail, on the other hand it very easily could have been road kill then transported to a trail to fulfill their "agenda". Is this trail on public or private land? If private then they are trespassing. No documented proof other than their say so.
I bet the author of the story got his inspiration from the TV commercial for Fiat where the groundhog awakes in his den, yawns, stretches, sniffs the air, pokes his head out and gets covered with snow, sound familiar?
Anything is possible but this snake was 13 years old and had been tracked for many years. Although I think there has been some overstatement and misrepresentation by pro-Map supporters, intentionally killing a snake like this to prove a point seems a bit of a stretch. Members of the DEP, PPA and NJCF were all there when it was found. However I do think that additional pressure by these groups will be put on dual sport bikes in the future and that protecting upland threatened snake den habitats will be part of the reasoning.


Jul 29, 2015
South Jersey
I don't think anyone is suggesting the PPA/NJCF actually killed the snake. The only fact that is known is they found a dead snake. Where it died, what killed it, when it was run over, what ran over it (before/after death), etc. is unknown. Heck, how often does one see a dead snake on the side of the road. This time of year its very common. (Perhaps thats where they should focus if they really want to reduce snake mortality).

This is a notable change in their messaging, before they were focused on illegal off roading and people doing illegal things to shut down motorized access- now they are changing tactics and focus to(or should I say refocusing back on) a legal activity and singling out enduros. Listening to the enduro community through the MAP debacle, its clear they have been under attack by Rob and the PPA for a long time, although it has not received the public attention the MAP did.

In my opinion, this article is nothing more than a propaganda piece meant to paint the enduro community in a negative light. The PPA and their vocal supporters have shown how willing they are to misrepresent facts and mislead the public. How anyone, who has been following this, can trust anything they claim any more is beyond me. Bottom line, I believe they are nothing more than liars. They are preservationists as their name clearly states - they don't believe there can be responsible usage. It's the enduro community turn in their spot light again - who is next?
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
The snake probably died from infection caused by the repeated incisions to keep replacing the implant so they could track it and they happened to find it on a road.I know of at least one instance of a pine snake dying from infection caused by an implant.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Heck, how often does one see a dead snake on the side of the road. This time of year its very common. (Perhaps thats where they should focus if they really want to reduce snake mortality).

That is the key right there. The snake they found in the woods is without a doubt a rare occurrence. Finding them on a road is not. That article was a joke unless they have absolute proof it was run over on purpose.


Feb 14, 2009
intentionally killing a snake like this to prove a point seems a bit of a stretch.
Exactly where did you get this factual information?
Yes it's possible but doubtful. Unless you have actual trail riding experience you have no conception of logs, branches, roots that appear "out of nowhere". Snakes as are most native species are well adapted to blend in with the surroundings and become "invisible" under normal circumstances.
If there's any molestation it's from the snake people, poking, probing, attaching devices, etc. to an animal that prefers to be left alone and goes out of it's way to attain that. Suppose this animal was you.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
If there's any molestation it's from the snake people, poking, probing, attaching devices, etc. to an animal that prefers to be left alone and goes out of it's way to attain that. Suppose this animal was you.

Don't even get me started on what researchers do to those little piping plovers. You can't even see one without one or two awkward-looking colored plastic bands on their legs. Now they are putting on little radio transmitters with whip antennae. I hate that. It seems that kind of research goes on and on. It's overbearing.


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
In this new barrage of articles it remains clear that they are going to pressure for more closures. I personally would have liked to see them mention the DEP's new enforcement policy and closures of ESA's to limit the impact on wildlife. Let's face it, responsible use of unimproved roads poses little threat to wildlife. Staying on the roads and under 25 mph gives plenty of time to avoid anything.
Instead petitioning for more closures I think spreading the word that the DEP is cracking down on inappropriate behavior would benifit the pines much more.
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Jul 30, 2015
Don't put it pass these people not to have found a dead snake along a road and then try to say it was run over by a motorcycle or SUV on a dirt trail. We just can take their word on this. The have an agenda and will stop at nothing to get it and tell lie to get a news story.


Jul 29, 2015
South Jersey
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but all we were presented with was an opinion piece and a few pictures. While Mr Zappaltori is cleary in the picture, it's not clear what role, if any, he played in the piece of propaganda, other then maybe having his picture used to try to give the article more credibility. The only undeniable fact I see is a dead snake was found. Beyond that, the writer attempts to use imagery, photographic and written, to paint a narrative that supports his extremist views, using hyperbole if not downright false information.

Going forward, I'm going to have a real hard time believing any claims made by the PPA or NJCF after seeing some of the tatics they employed with the MAP. They don't deserve trust.
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