Death Threats on Warren Grove Calico Road


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Since finally getting a four wheel drive four years ago I"ve been vastly increasing my geographic knowledge of the barrens with topos in tow.Now most places I don"t even need the maps anymore.earlier this year I decided to visit an area I hadnt been to in quite awhile and before had to hike into after being stopped in my two wheel drive pickup.I proceeded up warren grove road past calico and about a mile short of andrews road ran into quite a formidable gate with signs threatening my life and anyone else who should happen to enter.(God help the bushwacker between gates who doesn"t run across a sign)
Now years ago Andrews road and all other roads in this area were open if you could drive em.Now your life is supposedly on the line if you dare to go here.Why?Was it the fire the bombers started thru carelessness that their taking out on the rest of us?Is it the threat of a terrorist with an RPG in the bushes that likes high speed targets?Does anyone know how far you can get down this road from Warren grove?I haven"t tried the other direction yet.I want to explore the land between warren grove calico road and upstream oswego river.Does this also belong to the bombers?I can see being told to keep away from the immediate runway and target area but whats so dangerous as to put up threatening signs 4 miles west of this area?


I've always been frustrated in that area because of the gates and such. When you look at the topo map you would think that you could drive all those roads with no problem, but not so.
Last year one time I drove the Old Martha Road further North than ever before. I came upon some No Tresspassing signs and then reached another road. I can't remember if it was Andrews or Allen Road. I then found out that you can't get anywhere on that road either because of gates. To one side there was private property and to the other side was military.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
That was Andrews road.the way is blocked in front and to the right and left with gates.Allen road would be straight ahead about a mile.Oswego lake to the left and Absegami to the right.
Theirs nothing more inviting then a large block of woods that everyone else is afraid to go into because of death threats on their gates.You have no idea how many intersting things I"ve found that i would"ve passed by if people hadn"t of put up all kind of threatening signs alerting to the possibility that their may be something on the other side of the signs worth hiding.I simply must find out whats so secretive behind these signs.I"ve been tempted and I fail:)


May 1, 2004
Cherry Hill, NJ
manumuskin said:
You have no idea how many intersting things I"ve found that i would"ve passed by if people hadn"t of put up all kind of threatening signs alerting to the possibility that their may be something on the other side of the signs worth hiding.I simply must find out whats so secretive behind these signs.I"ve been tempted and I fail:)

Maybe they're hiding OBL! :D

I know exactly where you are talking about, I've been there.
The signs also say it is a laser testing area so who knows what could happen to you there.

Did you have any trouble getting past the mud puddles near Calico? I know you got through, just wondering how tough it was.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

We hiked in that area and you just have to be prepared to get out of there. If they are not bombing you have the best chance of not being bothered. Most likely in the evening. I hear they have camera's in the area so be careful. Since 9-11 they may throw you in jail.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I didn"t try the small lake you refer to as a puddle:) I went up martha road toward ansrews road and hooked a right which will bring you calico via the backside.a lot longer but i do not like the looks of that puddle.i walked thru it and it hit mid thigh.the cutaround isnt much better.Last year while I was checking out calico I left my wife in the truck on the other side of the puddle and she watched me walk it.while i was gone a mountain biker came up from martha and stopped and was eyeing up the puddle.she told him how deep it was but he must have taken her for an idiot which she"s definitely not.he backed up and tried it.she said he made it about 20 ft,went into the rut and promptly fell over on his face.she said she knows it was rude but he couldnt help but laugh at him.he was obviously pissed and drug his bike out and headed back to martha.she was still laughting when i came back thru the puddle.I thought she had lost it till she told me what happened.before we left we had a fox walk up to the truck while we were in it and just look at us.everytime we would get out he would run to the bushes an stare at us.he looked emeaciated so we left him half a bag of tater chips on the ground.may have been rabid or starved,definitely not normal fox behavior.
Thanks for the ups on the cameras,I"d definitely try it on a sunday since thats the only day they dont bomb and if the woods are cooperative I"d stay off trail.No Tresspassing would suffice,I don"t like threats.I"ve never climbed,leaned on,cut down or peed on a tree with a no tresspassing sign and never will.I respect the owners right to any tree they post and accordingly slip between the trees without molesting them.
manumuskin said:
I didn"t try the small lake you refer to as a puddle:) I went up martha road toward ansrews road and hooked a right which will bring you calico via the backside.Al


I'm not sure where you are talking about.

A few weeks ago that puddle was just mud but still too scarey for me. LOL



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
that story I posted was last winter BEHR.the water in that hole was two and a half ft deep then.I aint been there since.figured the level woulda held though beings it"s flooded because of a beaver dam


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
go north on the road from martha past the nash cabin turnoff and approximately a mile before you hit andrews road theirs a right hand turn on a narrower road that runs straight south for about half a mile then hooks a right back toward nash cabin but you want to zig zag back left again.its a tight s turn you want to pull.then you will continue south and cross a small stream with a pond on your left.when you hit the next intersection to your right is a gate complete with death threat and a couple miles to your right is calico.this is a very long way around but it allows you to drive to calico without crossing the lake,i mean puddle:)