Deep Run

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
I took this shot at Deep Run, early morning December 20, 2015. I'd never been there, and while walking towards the 4th bog north of Hampton Rd, I came across two guys in camo. They were in the water, pulling something across the bottom of the bog with chains (sounded metallic). For some reason I thought maybe they were environmental guys from Stockton College. Maybe they were pulling some sort of instrument. I gave them a friendly wave and shouted "how ya' doin" as I walked along the dike path between bogs. They just stared at me. It disconcerted me a bit, and I then thought they were trappers - muskrat or mink or something. I crossed to the next bog but I realized I was feeling uneasy, so I walked briskly back and as I passed they stared at me again, and they were now pretty close. I was now feeling distinctly creeped out so I picked up my pace and walked fast back down the road towards my vehicle and quickly got in. Just as I pulled out I looked to the left and a large black pick-up was coming down the road. I pulled out, drove quickly back to Hampton Rd and the pick-up was right on my tail the whole way. I turned left and with a sense of relief saw them turn right towards Rt 206. I don't know exactly what they were doing, or if there is some sort of " Wharton etiquette" that I am unaware of, but the lack of response from them still gives me the willies. Wondering if I am just paranoid.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
There use to be a windmill there at Deep Run.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
From a trapper's perspective, they may have been setting/retrieving 330 body grippers for beaver. They are big and clanky.
HOWEVER beaver season did not open until December 26.
That may explain some of the sneakiness.


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
I would guess they were trapping or doing something illegally. Prob thought you were checking on them. As a rule in the barrens people dont want to talk or even be friendly. I wouldnt be overally paranoid out there though, never had a time were i felt unsafe.
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Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
From a trapper's perspective, they may have been setting/retrieving 330 body grippers for beaver. They are big and clanky.
HOWEVER beaver season did not open until December 26.
That may explain some of the sneakiness.
That sounds about right. Just for the record, I don't care what anyone is doing out there, I'm not a forest ranger (assuming Wharton has them).


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Just for the record, I don't care what anyone is doing out there, I'm not a forest ranger (assuming Wharton has them).

That's a poor attitude to have. If someone is engaging in an activity that is causing harm, they should be reported. An example are the extreme 4-wheelers that rip up stuff, dumpers or someone hunting/fishing out of season. NJ no longer has Rangers, now referred to as Park Police. There are also the Conservation Officers (CO's) for wildlife and fish issues. The number to use to report at the link;
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Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
That's a poor attitude to have. If someone is engaging in an activity that is causing harm, they should be reported. An example are the extreme 4-wheelers that rip up stuff, dumpers or someone hunting/fishing out of season. NJ no longer has Rangers, now referred to as Park Police. There are also the Conservation Officers (CO's) for wildlife and fish issues. The number to use to report at the link;
46er, I would appreciate it if you don't wag your finger at me. There were no 4 wheelers or dumpers. And if the two guys in question are poaching beaver, how am I suppose to know they are trapping and how am I supposed to know what they are trapping? Or what every hunting season is? If you want to roam Wharton and make citizens arrests, be my guest. Obviously, if I see something that I know is wrong, I would report it.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Now that's the right attitude, which was not present in your previous post. :guinness:
The attitude in my previous post is based on the knowledge that hunters have shotguns and I have a camera. I am making it known that a tall guy with a camera is no threat to anyone, since I'm in the woods three days a week, and I don't want to end up at the bottom of the bog in question. That is, if I happen to run into trappers in the middle of the forest at 7 AM who aren't paying strict attention to the calendar.

Jason Bladzinski

Feb 15, 2014
This is New jersey.As a rule you won't find the friendliest people in the world here. There are exceptions but it's not Tennessee:)
So, let me get this straight, people in Tennessee, of all places, are known to be the most friendly people in the States? Like enough that you use them as your go to reference when you are citing the amicable nature of the residents in population of the environmentally vast and culturally diverse US? My experience in Tennessee would not bring me to this conclusion. I also don't think that you are worldly enough to make this judgement with any accuracy. You are a strange fellow, possibly even very entertaining to to be in your presence. Carry on..
This is New jersey.As a rule you won't find the friendliest people in the world here. There are exceptions but it's not Tennessee:)

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
This is a NJ Pine Barrens forum, and from what I've read, nobody knows more about the Pine Barrens and the wilds of South Jersey than Manumuskin. He is generous with his time and answers neophytes questions (like me). He has already helped me find routes into areas that I would otherwise have to spend a long time figuring out how to access. But then, you have hunted wolf in Mongolia on horseback with Golden Eagles. And, just to test yourself, you spent a week in the Amazon rainforest with a knife and bic lighter. Being the seasoned, worldly explorer that you are of course.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
So, let me get this straight, people in Tennessee, of all places, are known to be the most friendly people in the States? Like enough that you use them as your go to reference when you are citing the amicable nature of the residents in population of the environmentally vast and culturally diverse US? My experience in Tennessee would not bring me to this conclusion. I also don't think that you are worldly enough to make this judgement with any accuracy. You are a strange fellow, possibly even very entertaining to to be in your presence. Carry on..
My Moms family is from southern Appalachia.I think I know them better then you do.Then of course after seeing your attitude they probably would not treat you as well as they do me. You've made more enemies here in a year then I have in 15.
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Jason Bladzinski

Feb 15, 2014
This is a NJ Pine Barrens forum, and from what I've read, nobody knows more about the Pine Barrens and the wilds of South Jersey than Manumuskin. He is generous with his time and answers neophytes questions (like me). He has already helped me find routes into areas that I would otherwise have to spend a long time figuring out how to access. But then, you have hunted wolf in Mongolia on horseback with Golden Eagles. And, just to test yourself, you spent a week in the Amazon rainforest with a knife and bic lighter. Being the seasoned, worldly explorer that you are of course.
I'm quite aware of what forum this is, and I don't doubt Manumuskin's knowledge in regards to the environment of the pine barrens, but that was not what I was responding to, nor did I make any attempt to build myself up as some expert world explorer, so your sarcastic remark is a non sequitor. I'm not fond of people making assumptions and generalizations especially when those generalizations are obvious bias and prejudice. He has made many comments about homosexuals and xenophobic responses about individuals based on pure bias and I don't that this is the place for that nor do I think it fair. He chased me down on Google + where he made physical threats of violence to me because I reported him to Ben Russet for his clear contempt of LGBT rights, who agreed with me and told him to stop such remarks. He made a generalization about people from New Jersey on a forum about the New Jersey Pinelands. I'm from New Jersey, so are my Parents, friends and many more important individuals, perhaps it's the Bruce Springsteen in me that caused the defensive reaction. Notice I did not use sarcasm or contempt towards you in response to your reply.

Jason Bladzinski

Feb 15, 2014
So, let me get this straight, people in Tennessee, of all places, are known to be the most friendly people in the States? Like enough that you use them as your go to reference when you are citing the amicable nature of the residents in population of the environmentally vast and culturally diverse US? My experience in Tennessee would not bring me to this conclusion. I also don't think that you are worldly enough to make this judgement with any accuracy. You are a strange fellow, possibly even very entertaining to to be in your presence. Carry on..
My Moms family is from southern Appalachia.I think I know them better then you do.Then of course after seeing your attitude they probably would not treat you as well as they do me. You've made more enemies here in a year then I have in 15.
I am mearly coming to the defense of the people, friends, and family within my home state of New Jersey on a forum about the New Jersey Pinelands. If defending the State, it's culture, and the people within it earns me enemies on such a forum in defense of a place with good people I love, than something is broken here.