I and my husband are doing a botanical study of an old Borrow Pit. This is our second year at this site. We have not seen this growth here before. This plant is "free floating" (meaning the its roots are not going down into the soil) on the surface of the water. The water depth is about 16" - 18" deep, very acidic and has a lot of iron that has settled. The overall dimensions of the "leaves" are .1 - 3" long; the roots about 1 1/2".
When we started this study in 2012 the Borrow Pit had the appearance of an intermittent pond. But then an 18" rain storm last August filled it with about 2' - 2 1/2' of water. Also growing in the submerged area of the pit are two types of Eleochoris and Juncaceae; three clumps of Scirpus cyperinus and Dulichium arundinaceum.
Any ideas on what this "free floater" is?
When we started this study in 2012 the Borrow Pit had the appearance of an intermittent pond. But then an 18" rain storm last August filled it with about 2' - 2 1/2' of water. Also growing in the submerged area of the pit are two types of Eleochoris and Juncaceae; three clumps of Scirpus cyperinus and Dulichium arundinaceum.
Any ideas on what this "free floater" is?