Double your fun with map sync!


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
It's two.... two... two maps in one! :dance:

Ever wished you could see two maps at the same time? This little web app will have you seeing double! It's is an idea I've been thinking about for awhile, so I threw together a beta version. Choose a map from each menu and they will move in sync. The zoom settings are independent, so you can (for example) have a topo on the left as an overview and zoom way in to an aerial on the right.

There are lots of possibilities, like identifying features on LIDAR imagery.


Or comparing aerials from different years. To make the maps more useful, they appear side-by-side in a wide browser window or stacked above each other in a narrow one.


You have the full set of boydsmaps imagery with the exception of Mapbox maps, so no 3d view. I may change this in the future to allow full 3d capability though. Will probably add some other features too. But for now, it works and you can link to any view. For some reason, this doesn't work on my iPhone... the maps display but they don't move in sync. Not sure what's going on there, but this is really intended for a big computer screen and not a little phone.

This is work-in-progress, so I'm sure you'll find some bugs. But let me know what you think of the idea...

[edit]Just caught one bug where the zoom level was changing when you switched maps. I think that's fixed now - if you had this problem earlier, try reloading the the page. BTW, the NJGIN servers are very slow this evening... nothing I can do about that, sorry.
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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
For some reason, this doesn't work on my iPhone... the maps display but they don't move in sync. Not sure what's going on there

I believe this is fixed now. My code was only responding to actions with a mouse, it needed to also "listen" to a touchscreen. It works, but the menus are quite small, making it awkward to use on a phone in its current state.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Here are a few new features:
The plus and minus buttons zoom both maps at the same time. Map 1 (on the left or top, depending on window size) takes precedence here. So, when you click the plus button, Map 1 will zoom in a notch and Map 2 will be set to the same zoom level regardless of the previous setting. There's also an equals button; it makes the map 2 zoom match the map 1 zoom.

The sharing button has a variety of options.

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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Some more updates today: added copyrights, cleaned up the user interface a bit. There's also a basic help screen now. As usual, you might have some browser cache issues if you have used the site recently.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Fixed some bugs and added a few more features. There's a map info button next to each menu button now that displays metadata.


Also added a site info button that displays terms of use, software credits and privacy policy. And Map Sync is now integrated into the main boydsmaps app. Just click the Sync button and it will open in a separate browser tab. This feature is only available in the desktop version of the boydsmaps app, although it could be added to the mobile version if there's enough interest.


Usual disclaimers apply about browser cache issues, if these features don't work you may need to clear your cache and/or delete site data. That's about as far as I plan to take this project for now. Let me know if you find it useful, or if you have any problems.
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Fixed a problem that could occur when viewing maps with very different coverage areas, such as the HERE aerials (that cover the world) with my LIDAR maps (that only cover South Jersey). If you zoomed out on the aerials and dragged the map to another state, the LIDAR would go completely off-screen and this "confused" the software.

Now, if you try to do that... you can't. There's an invisible "fence" that won't let you drag the aerials beyond the limits of the LIDAR in that example. If you try to go farther, the map will "bounce back". If this happens to you, either zoom back in or switch to a different map that has a larger coverage area.


Aug 26, 2011
I just wanted to pop in and say not only thank you for this, but thank you in general for Boydsmaps! This has been become a permanent feature of my GIS toy box. :) I was looking at something last night and woke up this morning and remembered this post and thought, "hey that feature would come in handy for this!". (BTW- incoming separate post on that topic :) )
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
That is really handy Boyd, the way you put the cross marker in and that's it's red colored. Was just comparing the 1930 with 2020, and this reduces the location doubt considerably.
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