eep Spider!


May 4, 2004
Forked River/Belcoville
I seen this spider over the summer. It was about 9 or so at night and I was finishing up cleaning my truck when i noticed something coming towards me out of the corner of my eye. I look over and see its a spider so I jumped up and moved away ( I dont care for spiders being near me lol) I went and got my camera b/c it was larger than most spiders i see around the house. When i took the first photo she charged at me! Maybe it didnt like the flase b/c I wasnt that close. I did notice it had babies on its back b/c everytime it moved id see little dots run and jump on it and i see their eyes in the pic. Anyone know what kind of spider it was?


May 4, 2004
Forked River/Belcoville
I was thinking maybe it was because I know they are larger but I couldnt remember what they looked like, we had a neat black and yellow spider last year i'm not sure if it was a St andrews cross spider or not, on another site they just called it a garden spider. I cant remember what i did with the pic


Sep 30, 2007
Browns Mills
I hate spiders!
A few weeks ago I canoed the Cedar Creek from Lacey rd.. The first few hours we were pretty over grown and spiders were climbing all over us. At any given time there were at least 30 spiders cilmbing on us and around the canoe. Thankfully only one of those nasty Wolf spiders.


May 4, 2004
Forked River/Belcoville
we tubed it over the summer and i remember all the cobwebs and stuff on me i would be sitting there then start flailing my arms and my brother and friend were like "what are you doing?!" me : "sorry cobwebs!"


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
caught a black widow in our office at work in jackson last week. put it in a pringles can and brought it to the ag building in toms river for a positive i.d., they said it was a very large northern strain. let it go on the side of the road 0n 527 in the woods on the ocean/monmouth border, it spun a sloppy web in the can and could not get it out by turnning the can up side down so I shook it and out comes the widow and drops a web and the wind blows it on my waist and starts crawling up my shirt, didn't want to brush it off so I start jumping up and down and it fell off, thank god! people driving by must have been like look at that idiot jumping around. man I hate spiders.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
They don't bother me, except when they walked across my face a few times while sleeping.



Sep 30, 2007
Browns Mills
we tubed it over the summer and i remember all the cobwebs and stuff on me i would be sitting there then start flailing my arms and my brother and friend were like "what are you doing?!" me : "sorry cobwebs!"

Thats why I paddle from the back of the canoe. The person in the front clears the cob webs away.:D


May 4, 2004
Forked River/Belcoville
Thats why I paddle from the back of the canoe. The person in the front clears the cob webs away.:D

good thinking, unfortunately my brother and my friend were in tubes and i was the only person in a row boat so I was on my own haha. It was funny watching them jump when they hit the submerged logs and stumps though lol


Jan 13, 2006
caught a black widow in our office at work in jackson last week. put it in a pringles can and brought it to the ag building in toms river for a positive i.d., they said it was a very large northern strain. let it go on the side of the road 0n 527 in the woods on the ocean/monmouth border, it spun a sloppy web in the can and could not get it out by turnning the can up side down so I shook it and out comes the widow and drops a web and the wind blows it on my waist and starts crawling up my shirt, didn't want to brush it off so I start jumping up and down and it fell off, thank god! people driving by must have been like look at that idiot jumping around. man I hate spiders.

So there is someone else who saves Spiders? My wife had a wolf spider plop down into her sink in the lab at school where she teaches. The kids were screaming at her to kill it. She put it in a cup and carried it out to the woods behind the school and let it go. The kids couldn't believe any one would do that.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
So there is someone else who saves Spiders? My wife had a wolf spider plop down into her sink in the lab at school where she teaches. The kids were screaming at her to kill it. She put it in a cup and carried it out to the woods behind the school and let it go. The kids couldn't believe any one would do that.

even though it is a poisonus spider it is still a benifical insect/aracnid.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
spider bites

Early in the summer I was bitten 4 different times by a spider which I finally found living right next to my bed. These bites swelled into huge rings with a back center. This center swelled even more and filled with pus. The center pus developed into a hard substance which once squeezed out, finally healed, leaving a gaping hole! Once I went to a doctor who insisted it was not a bit but a stronger strain MRSA infection which was becoming very common and he was seeing alot of patients with this type of thing.
I gave him beneifit of the doubt but 2 more bites later, then finding and killing the spider, thien no more bites....

Last week I took my son to a doctor here in Riverside. One look at his leg (Identical to what I had suffered)..."Hmmm, infected spider bite" was his instant reply. The area was so bad the doctor had to lance it. Cipro was prescribed and he is now doing much better.
I feel these spider bites are often being confused with MRSA. But why suddenly are we plagued with this dilemma? Gobal warming? Perhaps new spiders are coming in our country by many means and are surviving due to the warming conditions. The spider I found near my bed was about the size of half a dime and shiny black, it ran fast and hopped too.
The doctor also stated that he has been busy all summer treating these spider bites.