

Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It sure did. A few areas in there are really dense and that may be how it slipped off his shoulder. Jessica was drinking water heavily on Saturday and was feeling sick so we left. On the way out I heard her stumble and when I looked back the 2o feet she was behind me she was gone. So unless you are right upon something there it will be very hard to find. With that said, I was roaming all over criss crossing the area and came upon the same handkerchief flat on the ground below the vegetation. I could only see it from 5 feet away and it was odd I ran into it twice. If only the same occurred with his things.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Yes, I found that one. I also went with Jeff and found his. The trouble here is I do not know Ted's exact route or even semi basic route. He said he was heading in one direction and changed when he heard the horns. How far he traveled after calling Bob is unknown by me. I may be searching in the wrong location. I have been searching between the two known points. We followed his foot prints in the mud as far as we could but lost them.

My searching.
