Environmentalists seek to rein in ATVs amidst fears of damage to Gravelly Run


Jul 4, 2011
That's basically what my USGS 24k Legacy Topo is.

I think you're talking about Sim Place. Good question as to how old that is. It shows on the 1995 aerials


Also on the 1980's aerials


But all we have from the 1970's is the wetlands and tidelands imagery (which were shot as a requirement of wetlands protection legislation) and they don't go that far inland. Then there's a big gap in publicly-available imagery until the 1930's, and there is no lake shown at that time.


Interestingly, the 24k topo does not show it either. That is near the junction of four quadrangles that were all updated at different times, no doubt.


Boyd - I'm looking at the pond of water by where it says Warren Grove, off Simm Pl. Rd. I was probably st - I mean borrowing - some cranberries in a cranberry bog west of there - just like a handful really - and then when i got strafed I rather frantically drove looking for water to wash off because i was afraid the stuff might hurt my eyes. I could have drove east on Warren Grove Rd into Simm Place Rd and then jumped into that water. I vaguely remember low stone walls around the water, and that looks like it could have been the spot. It's on the 80's map and that's not long after the 70's, nor is there any sign, from this angle, of construction eqpt. or anything indicating it's newly built, tho that's not worth much. I gotta admit i did it before too - I wuz a hardened cranberry swiper back then...they'll never take me alive!

1972 or 3. Not long before the above incident. There's my getaway car ('69 Super Beetle) in the background and my gun moll took duh pitcher (I'm talking like that for the guy from Philly who probably can't tawk so good like me!).


  • Cranberry bog in Pine Barrens.jpg
    Cranberry bog in Pine Barrens.jpg
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  • Cranberry bog in Pine Barrens 2.jpg
    Cranberry bog in Pine Barrens 2.jpg
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Jul 4, 2011
Your maps are so awesome. I would have loved that and GPS back then. I was always looking at my compass and unfolding the big unwieldy (especially after I applied waterproofing to them!) geo survey maps.
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Jul 4, 2011
Also check out map sync - two maps move in tandem so you can compare features. For example, here's the new USGS topo and the 1980's aerials together. But you can choose any maps you want from the two menus.


So awesome. I wish i was still able to go down there and explore some more using your maps, but...

driving time Tucson, AZ to Chatsworth, NJ: 35 hr (2,383.4 mi)...not that I haven't already made that drive numerous times.
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
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Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I was thinking of visiting Tuscon, Pan. What do you do there? Do you work, are you in a retirement community? Where do you do in your down time?


Jul 4, 2011
I do Tucson too, although there are fewer choices of maps


The main boydsmaps app even has high-resolution 3d aerials

Oh wow! I used to hike Tumamoc Hill all the time. I'd link to a video i took going up it but alas it has disappeared from Utube! Let me see what else your map covers...I had no idea you'd map this part of the world too!
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Jul 4, 2011
I was thinking of visiting Tuscon, Pan. What do you do there? Do you work, are you in a retirement community? Where do you do in your down time?

Neither. I still like to go out in the wilderness, but I have a hurt leg now and i can't walk very far, just 2 or 3, maybe even 4 (I guess) miles at most. Hills r OK tho and i have a 4-wheel drive vehicle. Give me a call when u r out this way. Guy was kind enough to give me a tour of my old Pine Barren haunts when i was back east last in 2012.
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Jul 4, 2011
I was around here 2 days ago, Boyd:

How come u r mapping Arzona?

Maybe i can ask u this question: I had Garmin GPS's for many years starting with the Garmin Model 2, then 2+ (which they sent me for free). I had the Model 476 for a long time until I dropped it and broke the screen. Then, for many more years, a had the 576C, but it finally gave up the ghost. Now all i have are phone apps which r better in some ways and worse in others. I still have thousands of Garmin waypoints saved on Garmin Mapsource. If I were to buy a new Garmin could I put those old waypoints on it? Many are off the paved roads, including at least one i have left over from the NJPB. My GPS expert friend says yes I can, and so did the Garmin tech who answered the phone. Is that true? I've used GPS so long - since the days when almost no one knew what it meant - that I practically can't even find my way home without it!
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
How come u r mapping Arzona?

Well, you don't think I'd go to all this effort just for the benefit of 30 cranky old pineys on this site, do you? :D But seriously, I have the full suite of maps from Mapbox and HERE - they cover the entire world. HERE is the company that provides Garmin's map data.I also have all the USGS maps, which cover the whole US. And I'm busy expanding coverage of my own maps, such as the Legacy Topo and Historic Topo which now cover 17 states. The Midatlantic 3d LIDAR map is also growing and will have coverage of the whole Northeast US by this Spring.

Regarding waypoints, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't work on any Garmin device, old or new. Just be sure to save them as .gpx files, that is a pretty universal format that will also work with most smartphone apps. In fact, you can even import them into boydsmaps. See the help file for documentation.

Screen Shot 2023-02-12 at 8.06.26 AM.png
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Jul 4, 2011
You make maps professionally then, Boyd? Long ago I thought I'd like to do that, because i'm artistic plus I liked maps. When i was a kid I made a fairly elaborate map of all the secret and semisecret and non secret underground passageways and hiding places where i lived, northern Manahatan, Inwood. U see i also like subterranean stuff (retired caver). I knew how to go a few blocks underground.

But then I also entertained the idea of becoming a counterfeiter and figured I'd learn the trade at the Bronx Banknote Company which was hiring around 1960 when i just finished high school. They made paper money for foreign countries. I brought them my portfolio from Music & Art (M and A the cool kids called it), but i guess they didn't think i had the right stuff because they never called back (perhaps they still might). Just as well, the "green goods" business has been rendered obsolete by computers, I think.

I had a girlfriend once whose sister did that, drew up paper money for foreign countries. She got bored and in hidden letters she wrote "SEX" in the sky on the paper money of the Szeychelle Islands. You can still c it online, at least i did a year or 2 ago. They probably want to chop her head off if she ever goes there, or maybe they still haven't noticed.

Sorry for rambling.
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Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
You make maps professionally then, Boyd?

So, if I my site has maps of the Pine Barrens, that would make me an "amateur"? But if I have maps of the world, then I'm a "professional"? I don't follow your logic there! :D

I retired from my "profession" in 2011, which was theatrical design, technology and management. Some of my scenic designs are still out there, Minnesota Opera just used my set for "Daughter of the Regiment". Not so interested in that today, all my time is spent writing code and making maps now. Some day I'd like to find a way to make a few bucks at it, but no rush.


Jul 4, 2011
So, if I my site has maps of the Pine Barrens, that would make me an "amateur"? But if I have maps of the world, then I'm a "professional"? I don't follow your logic there! :D

I retired from my "profession" in 2011, which was theatrical design, technology and management. Some of my scenic designs are still out there, Minnesota Opera just used my set for "Daughter of the Regiment". Not so interested in that today, all my time is spent writing code and making maps now. Some day I'd like to find a way to make a few bucks at it, but no rush.

"So, if I my site has maps of the Pine Barrens, that would make me an "amateur"? But if I have maps of the world, then I'm a "professional"? "

Yes. Yr maps r so much better than the pro maps I see (except for my underground map of Seaman Avenue that i made when i was ten) that i figured u were a pro.

" Some of my scenic designs are still out there, Minnesota Opera just used my set for "Daughter of the Regiment". "

I worked for the Arizona Opera Co. for ten years after retiring from my day job in NY. I've done all kinds of incongruous goofy jobs. I wish people wouldn't just think of me as a Pine Barrens footpad, robbing cranberry bogs and stage coaches.

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Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I worked for the Arizona Opera Co. for ten years after retiring from my day job in NY.

Arizona Opera used this same set in 2015, plus a couple of my others going back to 1996! You never know what lies ahead in life's road. A week ago I heard from a friend with a long, very successful career managing opera companies. Now he's a ranger at Everglades National Park! :)
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Jul 4, 2011
Arizona Opera used this same set in 2015, plus a couple of my others going back to 1996! You never know what lies ahead in life's road. A week ago I heard from a friend with a long, very successful career managing opera companies. Now he's a ranger at Everglades National Park! :)

Small world! And I tried to get a job as a ranger at the Grand Canyon. I was supposed to be next on the list. Long story...


Jul 4, 2011
Do you think this statement is true?

"The illegal use of off-road vehicles has cut wide swaths of damage into the ecologically sensitive region."

Here, in a Jackson Hole rag, is proof in the very first photo.


Here in the desert too. Jet skis on the water too. Snowmobiles in the north. They messed up an area near Mesa (east of Phoenix, AZ), where i used to camp, so badly that they closed it off entirely. I don't like those things. I like muscle powered vehicles like bicycles and canoes. I saw what looked like a couple of five year olds on tiny motorcycles...
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Jul 4, 2011
... I have the full suite of maps from Mapbox and HERE - they cover the entire world. HERE is the company that provides Garmin's map data...

I've got the HERE app on my phone and tablet. It gives me the worst driving directions! But I still use it more than the others because i'm sort of used to it and i've put a bunch of waypoints on it. I haven't found an app to even remotely take the place of my old Garmin 276.
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